Special Keys
Locate File/Locate Folder - Click on a file or folder to activate the panel,
and then type a file/folder name. SmartFile will locate the cursor
at the first file/folder matching the name typed. To clear and search
again, just use the up/down arrows or Home/End.
Home/End - Click on a file or folder to activate the panel, and then press
Home to go to the top file/folder or End to go to the last file/folder.
Insert - Press the Insert key after selecting a folder to add a new subfolder
to the selected folder.
Delete - Press the Delete key to delete highlighted files or the currently
highlighted folder. The object being deleted is the highlighted object
(or objects) in the last panel clicked (activated). For example,
if you click on a file and press Delete, you will be prompted to delete
the file. Clicking on a folder and then pressing Delete will prompt
you for the deletion of the selected folder.