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Author Topic: Feature request: High precision sizing/positioning in metric mode (0.1mm)  (Read 17190 times)
Thomas Krüger
Posts: 49

« on: August 17, 2010, 12:28:47 PM »

Would it be possible to have high precision sizing/positioning in metric mode (0.1mm) also in the future Qimage Studio Edition v2010.210 ?
Winston Mitchell
Posts: 10

Boise, Idaho

« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2010, 02:18:28 PM »

I , for one, would really like the option to work directly in pixels.

Posts: 15

« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2010, 09:49:34 PM »

First post, so Not to sound too negative but....

Isn't this a new feature of QI Ultimate, so there probably isn't much chance of it coming to studio, but you never know
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #3 on: August 17, 2010, 10:40:24 PM »

I gave that some thought when I was working on it for Ultimate but it's not in the plans for Lite/Pro/Studio right now.  The problem is that the change required a lot of small changes all over the UI which itself has been changed quite a bit in Ultimate.  The stuff I plan to carry into Lite, Pro, and Studio are the more "modular" type of "drop ins" that can be easily ported into the old code.  Things like low level print quality improvements and the ability to see "Info" (text) on the small preview page on the main window are good examples.  Those things can be fit into the old code sort of like just replacing a white Lego block with a red one of the same shape.  A change like the 0.1mm metric precision requires a lot of small changes in dozens of different places in a UI that already has a lot of differences, so that's more like having to disassemble part of the model and remake a portion with different pieces.

Posts: 2

« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2010, 02:15:55 AM »

Also first, I think, post.  I appreciate, and can scarcely do without Studio.  I use the software to print, not process raw or tiff/jpeg files, doing editing and prep for printing in another program.  I fear, with the release of Ultimate, that to get meaningful updates, that I will be "forced" to buy the new program to keep the printing side up to date.  No new updates for Studio, while Ultimate has had 10.  I appreciate Mike's entheusiasm with Ultimate, but hope he won't forget those who use his product for printing.
Paul Hathaway
Thomas Krüger
Posts: 49

« Reply #5 on: August 24, 2010, 04:14:51 PM »

I gave that some thought when I was working on it for Ultimate but it's not in the plans for Lite/Pro/Studio right now.  The problem is that the change required a lot of small changes all over the UI which itself has been changed quite a bit in Ultimate. 

Thanks for your reply, Mike. That's understandable. Maybe it's easier to strip the RAW module from Qimage Ultimate to offer a Qimage Ultimate Print version...
Excuse me, I better should hold my fingers away from the keyboard...!  Roll Eyes
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