Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => Qimage Ultimate => Topic started by: russellsnr on November 21, 2013, 08:36:35 PM

Title: HELP!! Un-install/Install problem
Post by: russellsnr on November 21, 2013, 08:36:35 PM
Hi, I have the trial version on a windows Comp with win 7 64bit.
Purchased the full version a moment ago but the trial version will not let me UN-install it I get the message 'Could not open INSTALL.LOG file'
Not wanting two versions of the program on my disc really, any advice please?

i, Fixed it, just in-case it happens to anyone else do the following.
1. Open the directory where the program is installed.
2. You will see a file named “Install.log” in there.
3. Move (cut and paste somewhere else) the “install.log” to say an empty new folder in desktop (first create a new folder and then paste the install.log into it).
4. Now, double click the un-installer (uninstall.exe or unwise.exe)
5. It will ask you to open the installation log. Locate to the “install.log” file on your desktop.
6. Now, uninstall will work fine and you can un-install the program.


Title: Re: HELP!! Un-install/Install problem
Post by: Fred A on November 22, 2013, 03:54:45 PM
Hi, I have the trial version on a windows Comp with win 7 64bit.
Purchased the full version a moment ago but the trial version will not let me UN-install it I get the message 'Could not open INSTALL.LOG file'
Not wanting two versions of the program on my disc really, any advice please?

Hi Russ,
Just for the record, the Full version installs right over the demo.
No need to uninstall Demo.

If you have any problems installing, it usually can be attributed to an aggressive setting in your Anti Virus.
