Hype or Hero Take 2: 16
Bit Printers
The digital photography
market seems to be heating up with products that boast
"groundbreaking" features not found on previous models. Are these
groundbreaking products all they are cracked up to be, or are they just
hype to get you to buy a new product? Last month we took a look
at the potential of full color capture offered by the Sigma SD14 slated
for release within the month. This month we take a look at 16 bit
printing and the new printers that offer specialized 16 bit print
plug-ins. Do they really offer improved color and/or control?
What are the benefits and drawbacks? If you wanted to print 16
bits/channel, would you know how to do it in order to get the best
results? Let's take a look. Like most things, the answer
isn't simple. In the digital world, it can take a little hype to make
a hero... or vice versa!
8 versus 16 bits
The most common image format is a format that offers 8 bits per channel.
For the typical RGB encoded image, that would mean 8 bits to store the
brightness for red, green, and blue for each pixel in an image.
Given 8 bits per channel, you get values from 0 to 255 to record the
darkest to lightest intensities. Since values of 0 to 255 can be
recorded for all three color primaries (red, green, and blue) separately, the total
number of colors that can be recorded is 256 * 256 * 256 or about 16.8
million colors. Images that contain 8 bits of information per
channel are often referred to as 24 bit images.
A less popular format, but one that
is gaining recognition, is the 48 bit image format. This format is
similar to the 8 bit/channel format, except 16 bits are used to divide
the intensities from dark to light. With this format, you get
values from 0 to 65,535 to record the brightness of the primary red,
green, and blue colors for each pixel. That equates to 65536 *
65536 * 65536 or approximately 280 trillion colors!
All this at a cost of only doubling your storage requirements for each
image. Is it worth it? It certainly can be, but let's dig a
little deeper and try to discover whether or not printers really need
this capability.
The benefits of 16
bits per channel
By far the greatest benefit to 16
bit/channel images and 16 bit/channel processing comes from the initial
image capture, particularly when working with digital cameras that must
conform to a variety of lighting conditions. Having more
"quantization" points in the capture range (65536 versus only 256)
allows for finer gradations between each color and allows the photographer to adjust for capture issues like underexposure
and even overexposure. Ability to adjust for exposure and still
end up with a usable image is very limited when capturing only 8
Once the initial image capture is
done and exposure, white balance, and other factors have been corrected,
the performance gap between 8 bit and 16 bit imaging decreases
dramatically. Once any initial exposure and white balance issues
have been corrected and the image has been developed (from raw format),
8 bits/channel is almost always enough to get you from the developed
image to print (or to screen) with no ill effects. I refer to raw processing here
because if you record in any other format in-camera: JPEG or TIFF,
you'll only be getting 8 bits/channel from the capture image to start
with and at that point, the benefits of printing your 8 bit images to a
16 bit printer are almost nil. Obviously the best advice is
to shoot in raw capture mode and keep your developed
images in 16 bits/channel if you intend to make the most of your 16 bit printer!
That's not to say that 16 bit printer drivers can't offer any benefits
when printing 8 bit images, but the utility of the 16 bit printer is all
but lost if you intend to send it 8 bit/channel images.
16 bits at print
So the big question is whether or not 16 bits/channel is really needed
at print time. All drivers in all Windows operating systems are 8
bits/channel as 16 bits/channel is "foreign" to the Windows operating
system. That means that you will always require a special plugin
to be able to print 16 bits/channel to your 16 bit printer and the
normal "File", "Print" command that you use from your standard photo
editor or printing tool will not be able to utilize the 16 bit
functionality of the printer.
It is worth pointing out that your
monitor will still be running at 8 bits/channel, and you've likely never
had any problems with displaying images on your monitor so why worry
about the printer? The push behind the new 16 bit printers is the
fact that your printer is likely capable of printing some
colors outside the range of your monitor's capabilities and due to this
extended color gamut, you may need more gradations (bits) to render
colors without banding or color posterization.
In reality, there are colors that
your monitor can reproduce that are not reproducible by your printer as
well. It is generally believed that the human eye can recognize
about 10 to 11 million colors. So shouldn't 8 bits be enough since
that gives us 16.8 million colors? Like most things, it is a lot
more complicated than that, as the 16.8 million colors in 8 bit/channel
images are not optimized to match the 10 to 11 million that our eyes
Comparing gamuts
"Gamut" simply refers to the range of
colors that can be reproduced. Your PC monitor loosely conforms to
a color gamut called sRGB. sRGB is a relatively small gamut and
due to its size, 8 bits/channel is enough to represent all colors in the
sRGB gamut without any noticeable banding between colors. While
sRGB is good enough to capture almost all colors that can be rendered by
your monitor, your printer can likely reproduce colors outside the sRGB
gamut: colors that we can see and the printer can reproduce, but will be
"clipped" by the sRGB gamut. If you capture your images
in sRGB color space or develop your raw photos into sRGB color space,
that means you won't be able to print all possible colors that your
printer can reproduce.
Adobe RGB is probably the most
popular gamut being used by professionals. It is a larger gamut
and can therefore capture a wider range of colors, and it is still small
enough that 8 bits/channel is enough bit depth to render smooth color
throughout the gamut. Adobe RGB is
easily large enough to accommodate your monitor, but your printer will
still be able to reproduce some colors that are beyond even Adobe RGB.
When you go beyond Adobe RGB and
start using color spaces with very large gamuts (such as ProPhoto RGB or
Wide Gamut RGB), the gamut is so large that 8 bits/channel may not be
enough and you may start to see banding in smooth but gradually changing
colors such as a blue sky just before sunset. Here, 16 bits can
help because you have more gradations to work with. To put it
simply, spreading 16.8 million colors across a large color gamut may be
spreading things too thin and you may end up with noticeable difference
between "adjacent" colors and that, in a nutshell, is what causes color
banding in areas that should be smooth.
How bad is the problem to start with
though? Is Adobe RGB really inadequate to reproduce your photos on
your printer? The answer to that question depends on many factors
including the colors in the image being printed and the printer you are
using. Generally printers with more ink colors produce larger
gamuts, so printers like the Canon i9900 and Epson R1800 have larger
gamuts just because they have a wider range of ink (colors). Let's
take a look at the color gamut of the i9900 on Canon's Photo Paper Pro
compared to Adobe RGB:

As you can see, there are many colors
in Adobe RGB (represented by the wire frame above) that the i9900
printer (represented by the solid shape) cannot reproduce, but there are
some "slivers" of color that the printer can reproduce that Adobe RGB
will clip. These problem areas where the color space isn't large
enough to hold the color reproducible by the printer are represented by
the small sections of solid surface that poke through the wire frame
above. The biggest problem area is the swatch of
mid-brightness cyan/green on the bottom left above. As you can see
by the area of cyan/green that pokes through the Adobe RGB wire frame,
there are some cyans and greens that cannot be printed using Adobe RGB.
Whether or not this is a problem in your photographs depends on how many
photographs you print that happen to have that shade of super-saturated
mid-brightness cyan and/or green. But wait. It gets even
more complicated. Can your camera even record that information to
begin with? We'll get to that in a minute.
Matching gamuts
The biggest selling point for 16 bit
printers/drivers is that you need more bits to support the larger gamut
of the printers.
Given that the color gamut of the new 16 bit printers isn't really any
larger than current 8 bit 8+ ink printers, it doesn't follow that 16 bits
would be required to support the full gamut of the printer. In the
end, it comes down to selecting a color space that has a gamut big
enough to support all printed colors but not so large that it requires
16 bits/channel to cover the gamut "smoothly". Yes, if you shoot
in raw mode, convert to the super-large ProPhoto RGB, and keep all your
developed images in 16 bits/channel all the way to print, the 16 bit
printer/driver may help. Part of the reason it helps, however, is
that there's a lot of overkill in that workflow.
At first it might appear that you are
losing a good chunk of highly saturated cyan/green colors if you decide to use Adobe RGB for the
color space of your developed images, along with a small sliver of
magenta and yellow. When we dig a little deeper,
however, we find that the color gamut of the camera's image sensor is
even more limiting than Adobe RGB on the cyan/green edge. This is
the color gamut of a Canon 5D Professional dSLR camera. The color
gamut that the camera is capable of recording is the wire frame and the
color gamut of the i9900 printer is the solid shape.

Due to the way CMOS and CCD sensors
are constructed and the light filters that they use, other cameras like
Nikon Professional dSLR cameras have the same limitation on the
cyan/blue edge of the gamut, meaning that you gain almost nothing from
developing your photos into a super large color space like ProPhoto RGB
because your camera cannot capture much more data than Adobe RGB anyway,
at least where it is needed!
What all this boils down to is the
fact that you need to compare the color capabilities of the camera
combined with the reproduction capabilities of the printer itself and
when you do that, Adobe RGB is an excellent match and using anything
larger is really just overkill. For the purist who is worried
about losing a tiny sliver of highly saturated yellow or magenta that
will likely go unnoticed in the few photos that actually contain those
colors, I have developed a color space slightly larger than Adobe RGB
that is designed to cover the entire gamut of today's printers without
being excessively large and requiring the jump to 16 bits/channel.
This printer-optimized color space,
called pRGB (for "Printer RGB") automatically installs in the Qimage
program folder (usually \program files\qimage) when you install Qimage,
so give the Qimage demo
a try as it may help you with color managed printing anyway, and as a
benefit, you automatically get the printer-optimized color space that
works well with any 8 bit printer. If you want to use it for your
other work (like using it in your raw conversion tool or your photo
editor), simply right click on the pRGB.icm file in your Qimage install
folder and select "Install". At that point, you can use that color
space in any Windows application and you can use it the same way you
would any other color space like Adobe RGB, ProPhoto RGB, etc..
Given the fact that 8 bits/channel
is enough for finished/developed Adobe RGB images and enough to
reproduce almost the entire color range that can be captured by your
camera and later reproduced by the printer, I'm going to have to call 16 bit printers/drivers mostly
hype at this time, at least given the current state of printing and
display technology. Shooting in raw capture mode, correcting
exposure/color issues there, developing into 8 bit Adobe RGB or pRGB
images, and printing to an 8 bit driver is all anyone, even the most
critical professional should need.
What about the
reviews of 16 bit printers?
I've seen a handful of reviews on the
new 16 bit capable printers and some reviewers do claim to see some
differences in the 16 bit versus 8 bit output of the new printers.
I've seen some claims of "more vibrant" or "smoother" colors for
example. I'm quite skeptical at this point at the notion that these
differences are really the result of 16 bit/channel capability! I
believe there are a lot of potholes in trying to review these printers.
As an example, I asked one professional photographer to send me prints
from his Canon iPF5000, one done in 16 bit mode and one in 8 bit mode
because he claimed he could see benefits to the 16 bit mode in several
more demanding shots. I did
see that the 16 bit version looked a little smoother in a few places so
I asked him how he printed the two versions. He told me that he
started from a raw image, converted to ProPhoto RGB, and then printed.
Knowing that ProPhoto RGB can show some banding for 8 bit images, I
asked him to go back and convert the original raw image to Adobe RGB and
reprint the 8 bit version. The banding was gone. This was
simply a case of needing to know how to best utilize both technologies
(8 bit and 16 bit) and how to make the most of the 8 bit technology.
I wonder if some reviewers may have fallen into the same pothole and
come to the same (misleading) conclusion.
I will have to say that the 8 and 16
bit versions still looked a bit "different" with respect to slight color
casts and certain colors, but one really didn't look "better" than the
other to me. I attribute the minor differences in look/feel to the
fact that the 8 bit and 16 bit drivers are two completely different
drivers and may handle color just a bit differently. I also have
to wonder if slightly different optimizations in the 16/8 bit drivers alone lead to some reviewers giving the 16 bit
specialized driver the nod over 8 bits. As a matter of interest,
the same raw file when developed into Adobe RGB in 8 bits/channel and
then printed to an older Canon i9900 (which is
not capable of 16 bit printing) produced a print every bit as
good as the iPF5000 print in either 8 or 16 bit mode. While these
tests are hardly definitive, at this
point, logic has to step in and you have to wonder how we've been using
8 bit/channel printers for decades, profiling them in raw (no color
adjustment) mode, using different papers, etc. and have never had a
problem. Yes, sometimes it's hard to realize what you were missing
until you see the new technology, but I'm not seeing any real benefit to
16 bit printing at the moment. As technology on both ends (camera
to printer) improves over time, I may have to revise my outlook in a
future article. :-)
I do think 16 bit printers can make
workflows easier if you choose to go the overkill route all the way (raw
to ProPhoto RGB color space, keeping the 16 bit/channel image format all
the way) because you don't really have to worry
about being careful. That does have some appeal, but as long as
you shoot in raw, do any "heavy handed" manipulation like large changes
to exposure and/or white balance at the raw stage before
you develop, you can still develop to Adobe RGB, print to the standard 8 bit
driver, and get results that are as good as the 16 bit driver plugin on
the same printer. One final thought to keep in mind is that storing
developed images at 16 bits/channel doesn't just fill up your hard drive
faster. It creates added burden at the processing stage as well by
doubling the amount of memory needed to process (interpolate, sharpen,
spool, etc.) and that can result in problems when doing things like
printing very high resolution scans or photo montages or printing large prints. I
think that 16 bit printers are new enough that the jury is still out as
far as the total benefits offered by 16 bit printing. I would
simply caution that changing your entire workflow to 16 bits at this
point simply because you own a 16 bit printer may be a bit premature and
may lead to unnecessary side effects.
Certainly, we live in a "more is
better" world. Just look at how manufacturers are still able to
sell consumer level cameras with more pixels and pixel counts continue
to increase every year despite increased image noise and a general
decline in overall image quality. Right now, with the current
state of technology considering cameras, monitors, and printers, I
really don't see any real benefit to 16 bit printing over 8 bit printing
when 8 bit printing is done properly. That said, it
can be easier to foul up 8 bit printing and end up with artifacts like
banding and color posterization if heavy editing like exposure
correction or white balance is done at the wrong stage or one tries to
use a super large color space like ProPhoto RGB in 8 bit mode.
The bottom line is that I believe
there will be little or no difference between 8 bit and 16 bit printing
provided you follow an acceptable workflow for both. If you've
been thinking of shelling out a few thousand dollars on a new printer
because it is touting 16 bit printing, my advice is to hold on to your
money for a little while longer. As with anything in the digital
imaging industry, a general consensus will emerge in the next 6 to 12
months about how useful the 16 bit printing really is, and certainly
these new printers (which I'm sure you have noticed will go unnamed in
this article just to be "politically correct") have benefits above and
beyond just being able to print at 16 bits/channel so as more and more
people use them, the benefits and costs will become clear over time.
The handful of 16 bit capable printers offered at the time of this
writing are excellent printers, just don't buy them solely for their 16
bit print capabilities. In closing, I do believe 16 bit printing
capability is a good feature and wouldn't mind seeing it on all
printers, but it certainly should be low on the priority list when
evaluating what you need in a photographic printer as the real world
benefits are quite limited.
Mike Chaney