Full Frame Versus DX
With some full frame
cameras now on the market, most notably the Canon 5D and Nikon D3, there
is quite a bit of chatter on the internet about full frame versus DX
(cropped) cameras. People keep lining up in their corners to watch
a new fight posted by yet another pro photographer touting the virtues
of full frame. About the only thing that hasn't been done is a
high dollar late night event on pay-per-view. ;-) Setting
other camera features aside, what does full frame really do for you?
Is it time to dump your "old" DX camera with its 1.6x crop and buy into
the full frame hype? Let's take a quick look at this topic.
Full frame
"Full Frame" refers to digital
cameras with sensors roughly the same size as 35mm film (36x24mm).
Most digital SLR cameras now commonly referred to as "DX" cameras use
APS-C size sensors which are smaller at about 22x15mm on a 1.6x camera.
In comparison, most consumer point-and-shoot cameras use smaller sensors
still, many coming in somewhere around 7x5mm. The following figure
will give you an idea of the relative sizes.

Size matters
So what difference does sensor size
make if the camera takes good photos? Of course, if you are happy
with your photos, that's all that matters, but having a larger sensor
does give you benefits that you may not realize you are "missing" with a
smaller sensor. First and foremost is image quality. Due to
the fact that larger sensors can hold larger pixels (when comparing
cameras with the same resolution), a larger sensor usually is capable of
greater dynamic range, less noise, and better high ISO performance.
Generally speaking, cramming more pixels into a smaller area will reduce
overall image quality so having a larger sensor can alleviate some of
the issues related to "pixel cramming". In addition, smaller
sensors with the same resolution (say 12 megapixels) cram more pixels
into a smaller area which often results in the need to use the highest
quality lenses. In contrast, using a 12 megapixel full frame
sensor, the pixels are larger and more spread out, making the lens a bit
less of a factor for sharpness.
Image quality isn't the only thing
that changes when you put a smaller DX sensor in an SLR camera.
Because other aspects of the camera remain the same, putting a smaller
DX sensor in the camera equates to simply cropping the center out of the
full frame image. As a result, you end up with tighter framing of
objects and a 35mm lens on a DX camera starts to look more like a 55mm
lens on a full frame camera. This may force you to back up from
the subject and/or change your zoom. In turn, depth of field will
also be affected and you may notice that it is more difficult to get
blurry backgrounds with a DX camera. On the plus side (for DX),
your 200mm telephoto lens will give you roughly the same framing of the
subject as a 300mm lens, albeit with different depth of field (than a
300mm lens on a full frame camera).
If you are not used to shooting film
or full frame, you may never notice these differences. Those who
have been shooting with DX cameras for years won't notice the difference
in being able to get really soft, blurry backgrounds under some
situations. In addition, it is now very easy to find good quality
lenses in the 17mm range, even in a super zoom, making your ability to
get wide angle shots with your DX not as problematic as it used to be!
Light falloff
One down side to using a full frame
camera is that you may run into situations where light falloff
(sometimes incorrectly called "vignetting") is an issue at short focal
lengths. Having shot DX cameras for nearly a decade, I was
surprised at how much light falloff was present on some of Canon's best
zoom lenses at the wide angle end of the range when using the full frame
Canon 5D camera. Usually appearing as darkening in the four
corners of the frame when shooting bright or uniform subjects, this
light falloff issue with full frame cameras is shown at the very bottom
of my 20D versus 5D review.
Note that light falloff doesn't indicate something "wrong" with full
frame cameras, only that I had been spoiled by DX cameras almost never
showing this issue and I was a bit surprised at how easy it was to see
this problem in my photos when using the full frame 5D at the wide angle
end with almost any lens, even when stopping down the lens.
About image quality
I've seen some posts on other web
sites that show full frame cameras like the 5D coming out way ahead as
far as image quality. Personally, I find very little difference in
image quality when comparing the 5D with some of the latest DX cameras
like the Nikon D300. A bit of an unfair comparison with the 5D
being more than two years old and rumored to be replaced soon, but I
don't find the exaggerated quality differences that I've seen on some
other sites when comparing the 5D to the D300. Instead, I find the
D300 to be a good match for the 5D when it comes to image quality, at
least at lower ISO's (below ISO 800). At higher ISO's of around
800 and up, the 5D pulls ahead as expected, due to its larger sensor and
greater sensitivity. In controlled side-by-side testing of the 5D
and D300, I've found little difference between the two and in fact,
might give the sharpness edge to the D300 up to about ISO 400.
Here's a link to a comparison shot. Both shots were developed from
raw and only some exposure and a hint of fill light added to adjust for
differences in the way the two cameras metered the subject. Both
shots were taken at ISO 200.
5D versus D300
I believe some of the web sites
showing better detail from the 5D were running into issues with the lens
or even some issues with the noise filtering on the cameras where too
much filtering was used on one camera versus the other. The only
significant difference I can see with respect to image quality with full
frame sensors is the ability to get better detail and less noise at
higher ISO settings. Even evaluating noise at high ISO is becoming
difficult these days, however, due to the adaptive noise reduction being
used in the latest models.
Click here for information on that subject if you haven't read last
month's article.
Hopefully this article has provided
some information on what to look for when considering a full frame
versus DX digital SLR camera. To be honest, I do a lot of wildlife
shooting and the 1.6x crop factor equates to more "zoom" which can come
in handy when shooting subjects that are far away. I also feel
that with many new (and good) lenses available in the 17-85 and even
17-200 zoom range, being able to get good wide angle shots is no longer
a problem with DX cameras. DX lenses also tend to be a bit lighter
and cheaper due to their size, which can also be a plus. For me,
someone who has tried both and someone who didn't come from shooting
film, I feel that full frame is more hype than hero. Someone who
does a lot of studio work or who shoots differently may disagree.
Thankfully (for me) this article is more about what to look for when
considering whether or not to buy into full frame than an argument as to
which is better for you! Different people obviously have
different needs. All I can say at this point is that in my
opinion, I don't think the existence of a few full frame cameras is
going to push the DX models aside for a while.... if ever.
Mike Chaney