What to Buy: dSLR or
Compact Camera
Just a few years ago, the
dSLR camera was reserved for professionals or amateurs who were very
serious about photography. The cost was high enough that it kept
many casual shooters from even considering a dSLR. The price gap
isn't what it used to be, however, and it is now possible to get a good
dSLR (with a decent lens) for a little more than double what you'd pay
for a compact point-and-shoot camera. Should you consider a dSLR
for your next digital camera or is a compact right for you? While
it is impossible to cover every aspect of such a decision and how they
might affect your personal choice, let's take a look at some of the
driving factors that distinguish a dSLR from a compact/pocket camera!
Compact "pocket rockets"
The term "compact" camera can cover cameras from purse-size (about the
size of a brick or smaller) down to truly compact cameras that fit in a
shirt/pants pocket. The latter have become more popular recently
just because the technology that drives them has gotten smaller,
allowing great photos in a smaller package, and if you are going to buy
a small camera, why not buy one really small that can fit in your back
pocket? The Sony W-170 is a good example of a modern "pocket
Unlike years ago when you had to sacrifice a lot of features and quality
to shoot with a compact camera, today's compacts offer much the same
capability of dSLR's and many offer manual modes that rival the control
you'd get when using a dSLR! Also in the compact's favor is the
fact that everything is matched and made to work together. The
lens is the proper size and quality needed to pair with the imaging
sensor, the flash is mated to both the lens and camera capabilities, and
so on. Compact cameras often offer user friendly scene selections
that allow you to choose "sports", "portrait", "night shot" and other
modes and the camera takes care of the settings such as aperture,
shutter speed, and sensitivity for you. This allows the casual
shooter to choose the right settings for the type of photos they are
taking without having to know how each individual parameter affects
image capture.
In addition to ease-of-use and
features, the compact camera has one major advantage over the dSLR:
size! You can only take pictures if you have your camera with you
and if your camera fits in your pocket, you are much more likely to have
it with you than if you know you have to lug a big camera (with a lens
that sometimes weighs more than the camera) around all day with the
strap pulling at your neck. If you want to take a camera to
the amusement park for example, what are you going to do with your dSLR
while you ride the coasters? Your compact can go in your back
pocket and take the ride with you. Even when you go out to dinner,
where are you going to put your dSLR and will you be sure to remember to get it
from under the table when you leave? Also, some sporting events,
exhibitions, concerts, and other venues will allow compact cameras but
not anything even resembling a professional camera so you might get
stopped if you are carrying a dSLR. These are things to consider
when you evaluate how you will be using the camera: in what situations
and in what type of environment.
It isn't uncommon to buy a dSLR
because they are "the talk" on the web only to find out that you leave
it home more often than not due the complexity of using it or due to its size, and when you do use it you
find that while it does have automatic modes, you need to know a little
more about photography than you might with a compact camera. Many
of the compact cameras also offer movie and sound capture as well,
something very few dSLR's can do. While the video/audio modes of
most compacts make them insufficient for good TV quality viewing or
ripping to DVD's (except
maybe the Canon TX1 and a very few others), they do allow you to
capture those moving moments where you would otherwise miss them if you
were carrying a dSLR.
The mighty dSLR
Next to step in the ring is the
heavyweight champion: the digital single lens reflex (dSLR). The
dSLR is a big boy. He's got one heck of a punch when he hits you
but the featherweight compact is running circles around him taking shots
while the heavyweight is still trying to find the right combo before
making his first strike. Of
course, this analogy is a bit flawed since just about any dSLR can focus
and shoot
faster shots in succession than most pocket cameras. Still, the
analogy works to some degree since for the casual shooter, it can be
easier to set up that initial shot using a compact camera. The dSLR lumbers around waiting and hunting for just the right shot, but
when he makes his move, that one shot can be a real knockout! The
compact, on the other hand, whisks around taking one "decent" shot after
another but unlike the experienced heavyweight, the compact is more
likely to take average shots that raise less ooh's and ahh's from the
crowd. OK. Enough analogies... back to
reality. As far as size, the dSLR isn't one you would carry in a
purse or certainly not a pocket. The Nikon D60 is a good example
of a "small" dSLR.
dSLR's offer some serious advantages to the serious
photographer. Really, there's nothing a compact camera can do
(other than video capture) that
a dSLR cannot as far as taking the actual photographs, yet there is much
that a dSLR can do that most compacts cannot. Hot shoe for bounce
flash, wireless/slave and studio flash, interchangeable lenses for super
telephoto shots and other "specialty" shots, tethered shooting, and
excellent high ISO performance are just a few areas where the dSLR
smashes most compact cameras. You have to remember, however, that
all of these things come at a cost. If you want to get one of
those super telephoto lenses to do some wildlife shots, you may pay more
than you paid for your dSLR camera to get a good one! And you may
soon find that you need a camera bag as big as a suitcase in order to
have all those goodies with you when you need them. A long
telephoto lens can easily be more expensive and substantially larger and
heavier than the camera it is mounted to, so many lenses have a tripod
mount where you actually mount the lens on the tripod and the less bulky
camera hangs off the back suspended by the lens. Of course not all
lenses are that large, even some good super zooms, but you get the idea.
Another thing to consider when looking at
a dSLR versus a compact camera is image quality. How important is
image quality to you? Do you plan to do large prints where small
imperfections in image quality might show in your prints? If so,
there's nothing better than a dSLR for image quality and that may be a
factor for you. Nearly any dSLR will beat a compact camera as far as overall image quality is
concerned. dSLR cameras have much larger image sensors which allow
them to capture photos with less noise and more dynamic range. A
typical dSLR can shoot in darker conditions using ISO 400 and produce
photos at higher quality (with less noise) than a typical compact
shooting the same scene. In fact, most dSLR's have less noise at
ISO 400 or even ISO 800 than a compact camera
shooting at ISO 100! That's the price you pay for using a small
camera with a small lens and a small sensor. We can see this
effect by viewing some sample images from compact cameras and dSLR's:
10 MP compact: Sony W-170 |
10 MP dSLR: Nikon D80 |
While there are obvious color and
metering differences between the cameras, the above is a good example of
the difference in quality you might expect when comparing photos from a
compact camera to those from a dSLR: in this case, a 10 megapixel
compact versus a 10 megapixel dSLR. The above are crops from the
original shots blown up by 200% (2x) to bring out fine low level detail.
Notice how the dSLR (right) renders much smoother, cleaner, and crisper
detail. The compact camera (left) renders the same part of the
image with more noise and less visible detail. The above is pretty
typical when comparing image quality from compact cameras versus dSLR
cameras and if the photos are printed large enough, a trained eye can
frequently spot whether the photo came from a compact camera or a dSLR.
The relevant question at this point
becomes: how noticeable are the quality differences in actual printed
photos. To answer that question, you have to ask how large you
plan to print and how closely your observers tend to scrutinize the
prints. While the above shows a significant advantage in quality
to the dSLR, that difference may not be evident until you print a 13x20
photo and examine it closely. How often will you be doing that?
Will the difference still show (even if not as much) on a print with
about half that effective "blowup": say 8x10? Unfortunately this
is a gray area where there is no clear cut answer. In my
experience, I can usually tell a dSLR photo from a compact camera photo
by just holding an 8x10 from both. At sizes smaller than
8x10, it can be very difficult to discern which is better. While
the dSLR photo may not jump out at you as being much better and the
compact camera photo may not jump out as being noisy, many may see the
dSLR photo as looking very clean or silky smooth, and just looking more
like a professional photo even if you can't quite verbalize exactly why.
There is often simply a more "professional look" to dSLR photos while
compact cameras tend to produce photos that look more like snapshots.
Some people equate the difference as the dSLR photos looking like real
photographs and compact camera photos looking more like video captures.
Again though, that's really not noticeable until you start printing
large photos. Whether or not that is relevant to your own photo
shooting is a matter of personal taste.
There are many factors to consider when buying a camera and if you're in
the market and you don't know exactly what you want (or need) and you
are considering both a compact "pocket rocket" and a dSLR, you might
consider the points listed in this article. In a nutshell, they
A dSLR may be better for you if you:
Need maximum manual control over
shooting parameters.
Often operate in a studio environment
or other "controlled" environment.
Shoot in a wide variety of conditions
where you may need multiple lenses.
Frequently shoot under harsh
conditions or lighting (high contrast, etc.).
Need the best possible image quality.
Do a lot of indoor shooting where
red-eye and bounce flash are factors.
Often shoot in low light where higher
sensitivity or better flash are required.
Need super fast focus and/or fast
shot-to-shot continuous shooting.
Plan to make large prints.
Don't mind lugging around and keeping
track of a larger camera.
A compact/pocket camera may be better
for you if you:
Would rather have user friendly
shooting selections than manual control.
Find it inconvenient to have to carry
the camera around your neck.
Plan to take your camera to sporting
events, etc. where dSLR's are prohibited.
Normally print smaller photos (8x10
or smaller).
Often shoot under "impromptu"
conditions and not studio type environments.
Shoot mostly landscapes or people
where precision/control are not paramount.
Think quick focus and fast multiple
shots are usually not necessary.
Might need to shoot video from time
to time.
In the end, good luck with whatever
you decide. Through the years I've learned that an acceptable
snapshot is better than no shot at all. If you love dSLR's as I do
but you find that you often miss photo opportunities because you don't
want to lug around the equipment needed to operate a dSLR all day, maybe
at some point both would be best! At the end of the day,
you can only capture the moment if you have your camera with you.
Your dSLR will be next to useless if you find yourself leaving it home
often because you don't want a heavy camera pulling at your
neck all day or because the event you are attending (sporting event,
concert, exhibition, or similar venue) doesn't allow "professional"
cameras. The simple answer might be to get both if you can
afford them and carry whatever the occasion calls for. Of course,
that's not always an option for all of us nor does it even make sense if
you're not into "professional" type shooting so if you do have to decide
between a compact camera or a dSLR, hopefully this article will help you
decide what is best for you. Happy shopping and happy shooting!
Mike Chaney