Hi, I have an Olympus E-M5 OM-D. Though I see it listed on the QImage Ultimate list of supported cameras, I do not see a RAW Profile for it. Does this need to be added to get the best colour rendition out of the application? If so, will it be added?
I will likely be purchasing the latest QImage Ultimate after my 14 day trial.
Hi, and welcome to not only the Qimage forum, but to Qimage Ultimate.
There are three parts to the answer to your question.
1) Supported camera means that the Raw images from your camera brand/model have been tested and are decoded to the best possible standard.
2) Yes, all the camera profiles will come with your purchase.
3) Looking at the list of Raw image profiles, I do not see your camera model having been processed yet.
In the meantime, your raw images will be opened in Adobe RGB color space, or if you prefer, RGB color space.
As you can see, they are looking great already.
As to creating a camera profile for your model, you can either wait for someone who also has that camera to contact Mike Chaney and participate in creating a profile, or if you are game, you can email Mike and ask for the instructions to guide you through creating the file for him.
That's about it for now.
Enjoy Qimage and please enjoy the forum.
Nice people on here that will always try to help.