Looking forward to further info
I spoke to my friend and he tells me that most of what I said is more-or-less correct but read on.
My club is considering getting a new projector and rather than going up just one level to a 1400 pixel job, move up to full HD equipment 1920x1080 pixels (1080p). So, that is a recommendation for future proofing.

He thought there was not much point in having an HDMI connection unless you went above 1400 pixels wide.
The resolution of the host laptop can be less than the projector, providing it's graphics card is capable of the outputting the projector resolution.
In that case you would have to use an extended desktop and an application that is capable of having the window with the images dragged onto display 2, ie. the projector.
Not all applications can do this. MS Power Point is a dual monitor application, the software our club uses for competition is (forgotten it's name) and of course, Qimage can be used in this way in slide show mode. I've done it but on a 1220x800 laptop and a 1024x768 projector. It does not work with a 1080p TV because my laptop graphics card is not adequate.
It sounds as though you'll have to put your club fees up, new projector, new or modified laptop, big screen ....
