Fred told me he bought a new monitor last week, LED backlighting and an IPS panel, nice!
Just for the record, the reason I decided to get a new monitor was due to my monitor having an issue with darker more contrast at the top row of thumbs, and normal in the middle, and less contrast light image at the lowest row of thumbs.
It is considered somewhat normal on monitors with TN panels (normally carried monitors on store shelves).
You are not bothered when you work on emails and html and word processor stuff, but deciding when an image is ready to print, was beginning to give me fits.
I had to slide the thumbs to the center rows. I had to move the image around in the Examiner. I was never sure!
As time went on, it got more pronounced!!
I got some very prudent advice from a very knowledgeable source

IPS panel... 23 inch, My problem solved...
I can't believe how stubborn/stupid I was not to have followed Mike's article on the last monitor purchase.