Installed the 'updated' driver and then ran QUltimate which then ran ok much longer for say 10 minutes then hung as before.
Have you checked for viruses and Malware.?
On good old XP again

Obviously I cannot be 100% sure not a virus, but i don't thing so.
I had another QU session last thing yesterday, First effort ran for 15 minutes and a few images processed.
Second effort managed 1/2 Hour, but the longer run showed up some 'funny' things.
EG. cannot drag multi thumbs to the queue, dragging only takes one of the selected thumbs.
If a processed image is left in the queue frequently dragging the next image results in the image already in the queue showing distortion - width or breadth stretched - and a warning that image is larger than page. Sometimes the previous images shows up twice in queue, one ok one distorted.
I am cumming to think it is a graphics card display problem, as the updated driver has improved things a little, or at least progs run for longer.
My basic method with QU is to set page to A4, fit image to page, process and mostly end with a degree of cropping, so I would not expect a warning that image is larger than page.
Clear the queue of the offending image and then readd to the queue and it is ok.
The last back up clone I have is as at 21.12.13 on a separate disc removed from Comp. I am considering putting this disk in and seeing what happens. All this faffing about takes a lot of time!
Thanks for all suggestions