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Author Topic: PC monitor calibration - Spyder or CalMAN  (Read 14384 times)
Posts: 24

« on: March 11, 2012, 08:14:33 AM »

Hi All,

I have a Spyder 3 meter along with the software. It is easy to use and the results are OK

I also have SpectraCal CalMAN 4 with the PC Client add-on. If there is anyone out there who has it I would be extremely interested in your thoughts.

I bought the kit with an X-rite eye-one meter, which I use to calibrate my projector (thePC add-on was free with an upgrade) and it is kept in a cool dark place as recommended. My Spyder is in the stand where it is open to heat/dust etc, which I suspect isn’t a good thing.

I have 2 hard drives on my PC one with Windows 7 32bit and one with Windows 7 64 bit.

The 64 bit is calibrated using my Spyder and as you know I have been concentrating on getting the hang of margins.

Last night I calibrated my 32 bit hard drive using CalMAN, another learning curve but I think I got there. The software IMHO isn’t user friendly, in as much as it guides one along but never explains enough. It can also take ages for SpectraCal to get back in touch. IMHO, what SpectraCal want is to ‘sell’ courses, however, it isn’t always practical or cost effective.

Once calibrated with CalMAN I can’t seem to get my Spyder to run so I have been reluctant calibrating my 64 bit machine.

Thoughts anyone?

Once again thanks


Canon Pixma Pro 9500 MKI. EOS 7D
Epson Perfection 750 pro Scanner
Spyder 3 Studio SR
Windows 7 32 & 64 bit
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