Any body tried using Portrait Professional 10
I tried it years ago and did not like it, but, current version 10 appears to do a good job.
Of course I use Ultimate for processing and expose to eliminate blown high lights, so frequently get a high fill figure. ( Ultimate so good I find I can rarely better Ultimates first raw default shot).
A lot of my photos of girls faces end up with 'muddy' shadows under the eyes, chin etc etc which have to be cloned/dodged/burned in Elements.
I wonder if this is the result of the rather high fill figure. I suspect bad lighting - studio and outside - No faces available at present to further test this.
Any way, PProf10 seems to do the job quite well, even my wife likes the results, on a dolly bird face - not my wife's face that is!! Touching up a dolly on screen is one the few pleasures left to me

Cannot post any images as the trial version of prog. does not allow saving of processed images. Prob a screen dump would do.