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Author Topic: W 10  (Read 54380 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 369

« Reply #15 on: August 12, 2015, 03:08:13 AM »

I finally did it.  All went very smoothly. Only glitch is in the backup.  It says I can continue to use the W7 backup function, but it crashes.  So now trying to use the W10; it is running right now, but doesn't seem to give me quite the flexibility or visibility into what it is doing that the W7 backup did. Which brings me into complete agreement with Fred's comment above.  The UI is really a bit too dummed down - especially the control panel aka settings.  I want to see and understand what I am doing.  I am not playing a video game. BUT - I'll get used to it soon enough.

So the first thing I did after the dust had settled was to print a photo using QU to make sure everything was still working and there were no driver problems.  I could not get a good print no matter what I did - tried adjusting everything under the sun and wasted 7 sheets of 8.5 x 11. Then it hit me.  Even I have limits on how much self deprecation I am willing to take, so I wont tell you what really was going on - but let's just say the fix was quicker - logistically - than posting this comment. QU works great and it does seem even faster than it was in W7 (but I did not do before-after timing)

Mel W
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #16 on: August 12, 2015, 09:47:36 AM »

Even I have limits on how much self deprecation I am willing to take, so I wont tell you what really was going on - but let's just say the fix was quicker - logistically - than posting this comment. QU works great and it does seem even faster than it was in W7 (but I did not do before-after timing)

OH come on Mel,
We are old buds.... Write small, about what you did, and I promise I wont tll a soul.
Write it like is was a whisper.

Mel, I have to tell you about a Backup program which we bought after a Free Trial Version gave a us a taste.
It is called EASEUS... and it is.
I bought it about 9 months ago, but my wife was using the Free version.;
I had a disaster a few days ago. A real disaster. Computer would not boot, and told me I messed up the configuration of the C drive (which I did)
I wont tell you how dumb I was, until you tell me what you did with the printer.

I had a backup file of 10 but I needed to get to it.
I put in the Easeus Rescue disk, and all that did was tell me I effed up the C drive.
I rumagted around and found a Disk that said EASEUS RESCUE PAID VERSION...
I restored sector by sector which took close to 2 hours, but I'm here.

The whole PAID version is about 23 bucks...

It is so simple to use, it puts Acronis to shame.

183 is the opening screen
185 and 186 are what you get if you want to customize the backup to include various drive. (I scrolled down so you can see some of the drives I can include.

As you can see from 183, you have some button choices. That was DISK PARTITION BACKUP

I use SYSTEM BACKUP, 3rd button, and that gives me snap 184. One click more on Proceed, and I go find Marilyn for a quickie.
At my age, that's a sandwich and coffee!
My System backup, includes the entire C drive including the partitioned boot partition.
Find it on line, and install the free version.  When ready, click Yellow bottom strip where you upgrade. That's where it is 23 bucks.
Or buy it now: http://www.todo-backup.com/products/home/download.htm


The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #17 on: August 24, 2015, 10:26:47 AM »

Well, after procrastinating for a week or so (I was busy with other stuff) I updated to W10 using Windows update.
It went remarkably smoothly. Everything worked (except Gadgets of course), even programs claiming not to be compatible with W10. I think they want users to upgrade at a cost!
I got rid of the junk in the Start menu and stopped all the items that want to spy on you.
I've fiddled with fonts and icon sizes and I'm not yet quite satisfied when the scaling level is set to recommended 100%. Trouble is, if set higher, some text is fuzzy so I'll keep at 100%.
Now  I have to get used to the differences with W7 but that should not be a big deal.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #18 on: August 24, 2015, 10:28:37 AM »

Now  I have to get used to the differences with W7 but that should not be a big deal.

Picky Picky

Posts: 1

« Reply #19 on: July 22, 2016, 11:38:54 AM »

I upgraded from Win 7 to 10 on my Desktop and its amazing experience but when I upgraded it on my Laptop from Win 8.1 to Wind 10 facing sound issue on the plug in of any hand-free or headphones. Sound goes off automatically after plugging in any headphone.
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