Mike Chaney's Tech Corner

Mike's Software => FlashPipe => Topic started by: Winfried on September 08, 2009, 08:54:10 PM

Title: another feature request
Post by: Winfried on September 08, 2009, 08:54:10 PM
I like the idea of copying the images to two or more different places.
Up to now I solved this by using a bibble batch-queue (see attached image).
Therefore I miss some features in FlashPipe:
- generating directorys/paths based on Exif-date-information. (i.e. yyyy\mm\dd)
- renaming features for the files (have a look at Qimage flash card copy)
- for files without exif-data (buddy-files?) there should be some buddy-file handling and "other" for i.e. movies


Title: Re: another feature request
Post by: Seth on September 08, 2009, 08:57:28 PM
What is a "buddy-file?"  EXIF is embedded in the jpg header when it exists.

Are you talking about an XMP? 

Title: Re: another feature request
Post by: Winfried on September 08, 2009, 09:02:21 PM
.xmp is an example.
.bib (bibble) is another
.qrs (qimage)
thumbnails from the first canon digital rebel ( D300 in Germany)

Title: Re: another feature request
Post by: Terry-M on September 08, 2009, 09:11:46 PM
there should be some buddy-file handling and "other" for i.e. movies
If I understand you correctly, there is already the ability to handle "other" files.
See Edit-Settings, Miscellaneous at the bottom of the Window. You can choose to copy to a separate folder or not.

Title: Re: another feature request
Post by: Winfried on September 08, 2009, 09:31:22 PM

If I understand you correctly, there is already the ability to handle "other" files.
Yes I know, but I think of the quite flexible buddy-file configuration I have in the database IMatch.

My main feature request was:
- generating the path from exif-fields
- filerenaming
