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Author Topic: apply metadata?  (Read 19762 times)
Posts: 25

« on: September 16, 2009, 11:02:09 AM »


Thanks for all the fast responses to user requests! Only 9 days since FlashPipe's release and several user requests have already been incorporated into the program (including my request for a better file renaming, a 2 digit year, and the numeric part of the original file name). That's why I purchased the program - I know what your support is like!!

Would it be possible, in a future version, to apply metadata templates (copywrite info, etc) as files are being imported like Image Ingester does?

John L
« Last Edit: September 16, 2009, 11:44:08 AM by johnlill » Logged
Posts: 33

« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2009, 08:33:35 AM »

I would like to know about metadata as well. Althought this might be a question I might move to qimage.  I would like to copy metadata from one image to all images.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2009, 12:47:46 PM »

I would like to know about metadata as well. Although this might be a question I might move to Qimage.
Depends what your priorities are. Most people use Qimage to get the best prints possible for their images. All this other stuff is useful but secondary to printing. Qimage already can be used as a "one-stop-shop" for a work flow: raw to print. Don't let the minor issues put you off from getting great prints.  Wink
« Last Edit: September 17, 2009, 03:39:23 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 33

« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2009, 03:16:19 PM »

Why woudl it stop me? I already paid for the studio edition...

Don't let the minor issues put you of from getting great prints.  Wink
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: September 17, 2009, 03:36:40 PM »

Why would it stop me? I already paid for the studio edition...
I'm pleased to hear it  Wink
It's not always clear if posts are from users or potential users.  Roll Eyes
Posts: 25

« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2009, 11:19:11 AM »

All this other stuff is useful but secondary to printing. Qimage already can be used as a "one-stop-shop" for a work flow: raw to print. Don't let the minor issues put you off from getting great prints.  Wink
My original post was about FlashPipe. Since the purpose of FlashPipe is to get the images from the card it makes sense for it to apply metadata templates and I hope that is added at some point. A true one-stop workflow will have that. I agree that Qimage is the best there is for printing - I've been using it for years. To be honest, I don't think it's a "one-stop" workflow though. It's the best there is for printing but other apps do a better job IMHO and have more options for raw converting. I am still where Mike was a few years ago when he stated that Qimage was not intended to be a raw converter. It's great to have that ability so that FlashPipe can create jpegs as the files are being copied to the hard drive. But I'll continue to use Camera Raw for most raw conversions. It's mush more flexible and powerful. I'll continue to use Qimage for what's it's the absolute best at - getting great prints! But I know that many take advantage of QI's raw converter. The app has become so powerful and we all use it differently.

But hey, that's just me.

John L
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