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Author Topic: Camera Model No in Target File Path  (Read 17343 times)
Posts: 2

« on: October 06, 2009, 01:30:11 AM »

Could we have an option for including the camera model no as a subfolder of the target path? I have multiple cameras and would like to keep the images separated.    Smiley
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2009, 09:30:04 AM »

Could we have an option for including the camera model no as a subfolder of the target path

You can do it right now by typing in the sub folder manually, but I think you want Flashpipe to do some sort of separation for you.
We have to wait for Mike on that one.

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Posts: 4293

« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2009, 02:04:30 PM »

Could we have an option for including the camera model no as a subfolder of the target path? I have multiple cameras and would like to keep the images separated.    Smiley

I'm not sure if you are aware, but FlashPipe can segregate your photos by camera already within the same folder.  You can put the camera model at the beginning of the file name and then you are able to easily sort by camera.  I'm not a big fan of allowing image data to drive where the files go (folders).  It introduces a huge number of complications that can cause trouble.  For example, there are often files on flash cards that are not images such as audio files, indices, and other control type files.  Those files have no indication of what camera they came from.  Where would those go?  Even if you examine the data on the card and find files that belong to "EOS 40D", you can't assume all the files on that card belong to that camera and the only ones you can reliably segregate by camera are the image files.  If there are movie files, you can't even get a camera model for those... and you might have data from multiple cameras on one card.  Way too many complications to be reliable which is why I think adding the camera model number to the file names is a safer approach than trying to drive the target folder location by anything related to image data (camera model, date, etc.).

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