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Author Topic: Can FlashPipe help me to Identify Images to go into Specific Folders?  (Read 22535 times)
Posts: 4

« on: November 03, 2009, 05:45:09 PM »

Hi,  Mostly I find that each of my memory cards has photos from more than one subject area.  A few weeks often elapse between each shoot.  So when I get around to downloading the photos I don't remember what subject I shot on which day.  What I normally do is to plug in my card reader and view the thumbnails in Windows Explorer.  I then manually copy, for example, the Alaska photos to a previously created folder called "2009 Alaska" and the Seattle photos to "2009 Seattle", using right-mouse button/drag/drop/copy.  Because some of the Seattle photos were taken before the Alaska trip and others were taken following the trip I rely on the visual cue of the thumbnails to permit me to select the correct images to go into their corresponding folder.  I've looked at the video, read the user guide and posts on the forum and like what I see.  However, what I am not sure about is whether FlashPipe is able to help me sort the wood from the trees before the images are imported to specific folders?

Grateful for any advice.  Thanks and Regards:

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2009, 06:31:57 PM »

However, what I am not sure about is whether FlashPipe is able to help me sort the wood from the trees before the images are imported to specific folders?

The current version of FlashPipe cannot do the thumbnail routine, but you can use COPY instead of MOVE and upload the images to a Developed folder that will have all the JPGs.
You could use Qimage to look at the images as a thumb browser, and MOVE the pertinent images to a NEW folder.

Frankly, your best bet would be to use more than one memory card. They are so cheap now, you must carry 4 or 5 in your bag.

The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2009, 06:44:48 PM »

what I am not sure about is whether FlashPipe is able to help me sort the wood from the trees before the images are imported to specific folders?
I think the best help that FlashPipe can give for you is the re-name feature. Use this to incorporate the date in the file name. I use yyy-mm-dd Camera image number and that makes it possible to easily see the image date and thus sort to new folders on that basis. I don't have to see the thumbnail to do that.
However, I do use Qimage, like Fred suggested, to copy to new folders because the create new folder and move can be done at the same time.
I guess what you are really asking is to make folders according to GPS location data, not sure if anyone does that yet  Roll Eyes
« Last Edit: November 03, 2009, 10:55:25 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 4

« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2009, 07:31:08 PM »

Fred & Terry.  Thank you both.  I'm not looking for a GPS approach just a simple "Thumbnail Routine" as Fred put it, (like I currently use with Windows Explorer for both NEF and JPEG).

For Mike Chaney:  Mike, is this a feature that you are considering, or might consider, for a future release? 

Thank You and Regards:  Malcolm
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4293

« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2009, 02:11:55 PM »

I think in a case like this, the first step in downloading images should always be to get them from the flash card and organize them by something like shot date.  With the latest version, you can move images into folders based on the date shot and then you can just click on each folder after the transfer is done (using Windows Explorer if you wish) and look at a few images in that folder.  You should quickly be able to determine that the 2009-09-01 folder contains Seattle photos just by looking at an image or two.  You can then click on 2009-09-01 and change it to Seattle-2009-09-01 in Explorer.  Then just repeat for the other folders if you like.

Posts: 4

« Reply #5 on: November 05, 2009, 07:44:57 PM »

Mike.  I understand what you are saying.  For now I think I'm stuck with my clunky Windows Explorer solution which allows me to choose (by broad subject area) what photos go into which folder prior to import.  Although a Qimage Lite user for a few years I have to confess (sorry!) to using Lightroom 1.4 for editing RAW photos.  Lightroom's Import function kinda does what I'm looking for, in that it shows me thumbnails (pre-import) and allows me to assign them to folders of my choice.  However, it then requires me to fill in a page of information before the import and insists on putting the photos into the Lightroom catalogue which often I don't need.  So although I like the thumbnail viewer/chooser aspect the Import function is hopelessly over-complicated for my simple data piping needs.  Hence why I use Windows Explorer.  If only I knew how to program like you.....

Many thanks for your help and continuing support with Qimage.  Regards:

Forum Superhero
Posts: 4293

« Reply #6 on: November 05, 2009, 08:22:15 PM »

Mike.  I understand what you are saying.  For now I think I'm stuck with my clunky Windows Explorer solution which allows me to choose (by broad subject area) what photos go into which folder prior to import.  Although a Qimage Lite user for a few years I have to confess (sorry!) to using Lightroom 1.4 for editing RAW photos.  Lightroom's Import function kinda does what I'm looking for, in that it shows me thumbnails (pre-import) and allows me to assign them to folders of my choice.  However, it then requires me to fill in a page of information before the import and insists on putting the photos into the Lightroom catalogue which often I don't need.  So although I like the thumbnail viewer/chooser aspect the Import function is hopelessly over-complicated for my simple data piping needs.  Hence why I use Windows Explorer.  If only I knew how to program like you.....

Many thanks for your help and continuing support with Qimage.  Regards:


I think most people use image management software post download for such a task but I do recognize that selective downloading would be a nice feature so it is on the list for a future version.

Posts: 4

« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2009, 08:53:58 PM »

Mike.  Brilliant.  I'll stay tuned to the Forum.  Incidentally if you would like me to help, with others, in the definition of the requirement prior to programming I'd be happy to assist.  You have my email address.  No reply needed. 

Kind Regards:  Malcolm
Posts: 2

« Reply #8 on: November 14, 2009, 01:59:41 AM »

Mike.  I understand what you are saying.  For now I think I'm stuck with my clunky Windows Explorer solution which allows me to choose (by broad subject area) what photos go into which folder prior to import.  Although a Qimage Lite user for a few years I have to confess (sorry!) to using Lightroom 1.4 for editing RAW photos.  Lightroom's Import function kinda does what I'm looking for, in that it shows me thumbnails (pre-import) and allows me to assign them to folders of my choice.  However, it then requires me to fill in a page of information before the import and insists on putting the photos into the Lightroom catalogue which often I don't need.  So although I like the thumbnail viewer/chooser aspect the Import function is hopelessly over-complicated for my simple data piping needs.  Hence why I use Windows Explorer.  If only I knew how to program like you.....

Many thanks for your help and continuing support with Qimage.  Regards:


I think most people use image management software post download for such a task but I do recognize that selective downloading would be a nice feature so it is on the list for a future version.


The other use I could see for the thumbnail views and selective downloading  would help my flow. I move photos into a directory based on the Month and year taken (thanks for the change in 112). Typically I then open Qimage and look at thumbnails to auto-rename the newly transferred photos in groups based on the occasion.  It would be great to do the move and auto-rename in one step, but many times I have pictures from multiple occasions on the same card so I cannot use the rename in Flashpipe since it has just one choice and without seeing thumbnails I do not always remember the occasion based on date.  Being able to look at thumbnails and to selectively pick photos for rename and move would make it possible for me to do both operations within Flashpipe.
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