Fred A
« Reply #60 on: October 12, 2009, 09:46:05 AM » |
Automatically add copyright text to the web sized photo "uncle Don", I remember him from radio days many years ago. Uncle Don, I think you are referring to Qimage 2010.100 and accidentally typed Flashpipe? If I am right, then that feature you want is already in Qimage. Set up your image as you like, and add your logo/copyright. Then do create web sized copies, and that logo sticks just fine. One caveat. You cannot see the logo unless you have Qimage looking at the image using a high resolution screen. So test your web copy using the hover/spacebar method. See screen snap... Fred
Fred A
« Reply #61 on: October 12, 2009, 09:49:41 AM » |
Hmmm.Maybe you did mean Flashpipe. They both have similar version designations... Sorry if I was off base. Fred
Rich W.

Posts: 3
« Reply #62 on: October 13, 2009, 04:16:52 AM » |
Mike... Would you consider expanding the file renaming section to include a user defined prefix, suffix, and a remembered number count option that can be manually changed at any time? What I have in mind in addition to what is offered is something such as found in Thumbs Plus (see attached image). Thanks for another great program from a long time Qimage user.
« Reply #63 on: October 13, 2009, 12:49:55 PM » |
Mike... Would you consider expanding the file renaming section to include a user defined prefix, suffix, and a remembered number count option that can be manually changed at any time? What I have in mind in addition to what is offered is something such as found in Thumbs Plus (see attached image). Thanks for another great program from a long time Qimage user.
Thanks for the suggestion. FlashPipe can already do the prefix and suffix: all you need to do is type them in, so all that is missing is an incrementing count. That's easy, BUT... FlashPipe can download files of different types, not just photos. How would you handle the count for photos versus videos? Just keep each one unique with a new number? Also, since FlashPipe can download from multiple flash cards at once, how would that be handled? I know some people would want a different count for each camera/flash card. It'd be easy to do a count that just increments once for each photo or video but I'm not sure that'll handle all the cases that people want. I'd like to get some clarifying/refining thoughts from others on this, which is a good idea BTW. Mike
Rich W.

Posts: 3
« Reply #64 on: October 13, 2009, 01:32:44 PM » |
You have me thinking now :-\.
« Reply #65 on: October 13, 2009, 08:04:17 PM » |
You have me thinking now :-\.
Actually, after thinking about it, it may be best to not overcomplicate. If there is a running number, that number should always be used for photos and video. So if you start with 1 and you have a card with 50 photos and 3 videos, the photos would be numbered <whatever>1, <whatever>2, up to <whatever>50, and then the videos will be numbered <whatever>51, <whatever>52, and <whatever>53. Then the dialog would show "54" as the next number so that it would start with <whatever>54 on the next run. Also, it should probably pad the numbers with zeroes, like <whatever>0000001, <whatever>0000002, and so on, or the files will not sort properly by name. Mike

Posts: 2
« Reply #66 on: October 14, 2009, 02:38:14 AM » |
This request may be scary, but I would like a way to erase (format) my cards. I have the Delkin 8 port reader which combined with FP has allowed me to go to bed after 12-16 hour shoots with my cards downloaded and backed up. I can't tell you how much I love this program. However, it would also be great to be able to format the cards when I'm ready for the next shoot. I erase cards before I leave the studio so that I don't need to worry about placing a card in the camera that has images that I just shot, and than formatting on site. All the cards in my card wallet are clean before each job. If I could tell FP to format those 8 cards it would be another big time saver. (Yes I do confirm downloads before reformatting)
Rich W.

Posts: 3
« Reply #67 on: October 14, 2009, 04:48:19 AM » |
THeEdge...I heard (rightly or wrongly) that it is best to always format in the camera.
Mike...The only reasonable way I see to accomplish an incremented count is to have a separate auto rename option for each type of file, i.e., photos, videos, and other. An Auto Rename Options button next to each type file. Or possibly to be able to assign the set buttons for each type file if desired. But you would still have to keep track of each of three possible incremented counts. And yes, there would have to be "number of leading zeroes" option to make it useful. Having said that, I guess I don't really need it after all, though others might find it useful. My workflow is to copy photos to a temp folder in the database, throw out the non-keepers, rename the keepers by year and incremented number, (2009_0100, 2009_0101, etc.), assign the keywords, move to permanent folder and backup. Then on to Qimage or whatever. Using FP to get the photos into the temp folder is easier now, but I still go to the database to sort out the non-keepers before renaming the keepers, so I might as well do it in the database as I've always done. Anyway, it's an idea and would give the user further control over the filenames. While I have your ear, I agree with an earlier post of having the ability to open another program from within FP. Thanks for listening.
« Reply #68 on: October 14, 2009, 02:05:51 PM » |
This request may be scary, but I would like a way to erase (format) my cards. I have the Delkin 8 port reader which combined with FP has allowed me to go to bed after 12-16 hour shoots with my cards downloaded and backed up. I can't tell you how much I love this program. However, it would also be great to be able to format the cards when I'm ready for the next shoot. I erase cards before I leave the studio so that I don't need to worry about placing a card in the camera that has images that I just shot, and than formatting on site. All the cards in my card wallet are clean before each job. If I could tell FP to format those 8 cards it would be another big time saver. (Yes I do confirm downloads before reformatting)
I like to have an empty card when I'm done as well, so I can just put it back in the camera and go. FlashPipe can do this now, without reformatting! As your last operation(s) in the table, just tell it to "move" instead of "copy". If you have a line that says "move photos", one for "move videos", and you add one for "move other", then your card will be empty when FlashPipe is done. Mike

Posts: 22
« Reply #69 on: October 18, 2009, 07:48:12 PM » |
Hi Mike I have not purchased the software yet but plan to because of all hard work you have put into Qimage software that i also use. I am using downloader pro for this task now and use a year/camera/date/ folder system and have photos going back 7 years. i agree with your thoughts on the many clicks to get to my photos and i struggle to find photos i took of events airshows, motor racing and vacations etc etc etc I now have all my photos on 1 drive that i have backed up can i use flashpipe to move these files and reorganize my folders from the year/camera/date/ folder system all in one action? Sorry i have not tried the trial yet just saw your email about this new product The feature that i like in downloader pro is the gps tagging and i would love that feature to make it into your software so do you have any plans to add Geotagging ?
« Reply #70 on: October 18, 2009, 08:05:17 PM » |
Hi Mike I have not purchased the software yet but plan to because of all hard work you have put into Qimage software that i also use. I am using downloader pro for this task now and use a year/camera/date/ folder system and have photos going back 7 years. i agree with your thoughts on the many clicks to get to my photos and i struggle to find photos i took of events airshows, motor racing and vacations etc etc etc I now have all my photos on 1 drive that i have backed up can i use flashpipe to move these files and reorganize my folders from the year/camera/date/ folder system all in one action? Sorry i have not tried the trial yet just saw your email about this new product
Yes. FlashPipe isn't limited to just flash cards. You can click and point FlashPipe at that hard drive and the location that contains all those folders (hopefully there is one "containing" folder above the year). Then FlashPipe can copy all files from there into whatever new structure you decide upon. I'd definitely recommend doing a small test or at least just copying to a fresh location (don't use "move") so you can start over if you didn't anticipate something. The feature that i like in downloader pro is the gps tagging and i would love that feature to make it into your software so do you have any plans to add Geotagging ?
That's definitely a feature I'm looking into. The biggest problem is that there's no "standard" for storing that data and it ends up being proprietary (different) for each camera model. But... I'm checking into it. Mike
Uncle Don

Posts: 8
« Reply #71 on: October 20, 2009, 06:10:09 AM » |
Sometimes I shoot a lot of telephoto pictures, and I know that some or most of them will need to be up-sized, so maybe an option to produce a directory of enlarged photos at 200%, 300% etc would be easy to implement, and might be useful to some people.
« Reply #72 on: October 20, 2009, 07:42:51 AM » |
some or most of them will need to be up-sized Is this for print? If so, use Qimage for printing, you will not need to do any separate upsizing. Terry.
« Reply #73 on: October 20, 2009, 12:48:13 PM » |
Sometimes I shoot a lot of telephoto pictures, and I know that some or most of them will need to be up-sized, so maybe an option to produce a directory of enlarged photos at 200%, 300% etc would be easy to implement, and might be useful to some people.
FlashPipe can already do that, but I'm not sure it makes a lot of sense to upsize photos or assume that telephoto shots will need upsampling. Seems like something that should be done at display/edit/print time, but if you want to do it, just enter a larger number in the web copies dialog (whatever you want). Then your web copies will be upsized instead of downsized. Mike
Uncle Don

Posts: 8
« Reply #74 on: October 20, 2009, 02:51:12 PM » |
Thanks for the replies. I don't print often, so I am not as familiar with Qimage as I should be. Also, I agree many photos don't have to be upsized, but it is nice to have a batch option available as Flash Pipe does. Easier for me to delete photos, than to manually upsample each one.
Thanks again