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Author Topic: Flash Pipe Feature Requests  (Read 217783 times)
Posts: 5

« Reply #90 on: March 24, 2010, 11:04:19 AM »

LOL. It hung once - that's all.
Mike Browers
Posts: 2

« Reply #91 on: June 23, 2010, 08:16:09 AM »

I would love it if you had a simple space by each source folder that you could type in a card ID (or whatever).  Whatever was typed in that space would be added to the naming convention during import/renaming.  It would simply let me identify which card the file came from.  Let's me identify problem cards or cameras, etc.  That would be huge for my anal retentive soul. Smiley

Always a fan of your work


Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #92 on: June 23, 2010, 10:28:34 AM »

could type in a card ID (or whatever

Perhaps, in the meantime, you could add that code letter or ID to the destination folder.
Example: Center column: C:\Pics
Right side column: Gatorland-6-22-10-20D
The 20D would tell me that camera was being used for these shots.
The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #93 on: June 23, 2010, 10:42:35 AM »

Hi Mike,
Let's me identify problem cards or cameras, etc.
You can already include the camera model in the auto-renaming set-up.
If you have multiple card readers, the auto-renaming feature allows you to specify the drive letter so if a particular reader was always used for a particular card (label it) you would get that ID in the file name too.
This would be ok. if you did not have too many cards and an equal number of readers -  you do know FP can read multiple cards in one session.
Fred's idea is very straightforward because FP allows you to add text to an auto produced sub folder name.  Cool
Mike Browers
Posts: 2

« Reply #94 on: June 24, 2010, 10:02:02 AM »

We have many cards. This would make MC break out in an agitated sweat Wink, but we actually download each card to it's own folder.  It's just the way we do it.  Recently, started having corrupt files.  It was easy to identify the card.  Each of our cards have a unique ID#.  If I could just trace the file back to it's originating card, and automate the task of downloading, and get away from so many subfolders, it would of course be huge for me.  The camera isn't an issue really since it's easy to see from the the file which camera captured.  Lightroom makes using subfolders a non-issue for us.  We are wedding and event photographers btw.  Our current folder structure is simply YYYYMMDD EVENT/RAW/cfcardid
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