Jr. Member
Posts: 74
« on: September 08, 2009, 03:41:16 AM » |
Thanks again for the program. Looking good. Is there a good place to request new features or will this thread suffice?
1 - Ability to start another program at the completion of the file transfer. Should be able to pick which program to start from a list. Example, when finished start adobe bridge, or qimage, etc... (Work flow enhancement) 2 - Option to shut the program down when transfers are complete (Convenience)
Fred A
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2009, 09:10:11 AM » |
- Option to shut the program down when transfers are complete (Convenience) Sorry, but I don't know your name.... good morning Feature request 1 is Mike's to respond, but I have a feeling that feature request 2 is there. I just right click the "F" at the lower right of the taskbar, and click EXIT. Flashpipe is no longer active. To reactivate, simply click the large desktop icon or if you didn't allow one of those, go to All Programs and kick start it there. Fred
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2009, 02:52:49 PM » |
Thanks for starting a thread for feature requests. Yours are a good start: I like the sound of those features. In fact, one of my beta testers suggested the first one, in particular, the ability to start Qimage and have Qimage start in the (first) destination folder in the operations table. Rest assured, more features will be coming soon!  Just to repeat what I said in the other thread, it was my intention to produce a streamlined version in the first release that handled the mainstay of the application: data transfer and automatic raw developing. For myself and users alike, it's good to see the program in action so that the concept is clear, and then we work from that and put in extra features that people really need based on what the application was intended for. So thanks for the suggestions and keep them coming! Mike
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2009, 03:04:24 PM » |
1 - Ability to start another program at the completion of the file transfer A good idea but there may be a possible problem when you are copying to 2 different destinations as I plan to do. I would want one particular destination to open, maybe it could be always the one at the top of the list. One useful thing would be the ability to stop a transfer (stop button). I accidently clicked Go today and had to use Task Manager to stop it  Terry.
« Reply #4 on: September 08, 2009, 04:33:12 PM » |
One useful thing would be the ability to stop a transfer (stop button). I accidently clicked Go today and had to use Task Manager to stop it  Terry. Terry, Terry, Terry... Funny how people forget that their keyboard has an "Esc" key.  Mike
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2009, 04:40:14 PM » |
Funny how people forget that their keyboard has an "Esc" key This forgetfulness must be something I caught from Fred  Thanks for the tip. Terry.

Posts: 5
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2009, 12:23:58 PM » |
Just purchaes the program based on hundredths of second file naming.
Something to add for the future - geotagging.
« Reply #7 on: September 11, 2009, 05:57:57 PM » |
Terry, Terry, Terry... Funny how people forget that their keyboard has an "Esc" key.  Mike REALLY glad you said that. Now, can you (well, would you) put it in QI to stop thumbs loading to the screen when you change directories? Thanks, Seth
Seth <CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
« Reply #8 on: September 11, 2009, 07:30:26 PM » |
put it in QI to stop thumbs loading to the screen when you change directories You can already stop thumb building from the Thumb Builder menu. Or did you mean in some other way? Terry.
Fred A
« Reply #9 on: September 11, 2009, 07:30:38 PM » |
QI to stop thumbs loading to the screen when you change directories? Stop building thumbs in the middle is already there. At the top of Qimage there's a selection that says Thumb Builder. Click that, and then click STOP. Fred
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2009, 09:21:37 PM » |
Yes, Terry, in some other way. I was talking ESC as Mike put into FP (and said to use). That's pretty standard.
Thanks, Fred. I remember you saying that. I just didn't want to go mousing around. I instinctively go to ESC. I am just asking Mike for a mod since he did so in FP.
Seth <CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>

Posts: 1
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2009, 12:42:05 PM » |
Hi Guys, like the concept behind flash pipe.
I store my photos in folders based on shooting date. I might use a card for a couple of days seeing the card these days hold so many shots. Also I might not be in a position to copy them off the media.
My file structure while repetitive I find very useful. I have tried other structures and ended up loosing a number of photos. Due to software changes over the years I have to very similar formats.
yyyy->month->yyyy-mm-dd (or yyyy_mm_dd).
Request A new file create option of shooting date.
Thank you Ian M
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2009, 07:28:34 PM » |
Hi Guys, like the concept behind flash pipe.
I store my photos in folders based on shooting date. I might use a card for a couple of days seeing the card these days hold so many shots. Also I might not be in a position to copy them off the media.
My file structure while repetitive I find very useful. I have tried other structures and ended up loosing a number of photos. Due to software changes over the years I have to very similar formats.
yyyy->month->yyyy-mm-dd (or yyyy_mm_dd).
Request A new file create option of shooting date.
Thank you Ian M
This one I'm going to keep open and "on the shelf" for thinking right now. It could severely complicate downloads to the point that you may not be able to find your files. I started to implement it but then realized how many problems could be produced by such an option. For example, you may have a camera that shoots photos and videos and you may like to copy all "other" files to your "Misc" folder in order to clear the card for the next use. Many of those "other" files could have very old dates or (believe it or not) no valid date at all, throwing them into a folder you may never find. And if you accidentally have this option enabled when transferring from one large folder on a hard drive to another location, they'll be scattered all over creation. Even if you only have five days worth of photos on a card, for example, you could have as many as fifteen new subfolders created, five subfolders for the photos themselves and a "developed, raw, and misc" folder under each of those five. Seems like there must be a better way. I just don't like the idea of an image deciding which folder's to create. That's just asking for trouble (where people can't find where their images are going or they go in unexpected places when running FlashPipe on hard drives or other media that aren't the typical flash cards). Mike

Posts: 4
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2009, 06:25:55 PM » |
I was really excited about this program, having been a QImage user for many years. I just registered here and was about to request the same thing (subfolders determined by file date). Without this option, the program would be more trouble for me to use than my current (free) Breeze Systems Downloader. With that program, I choose a main subfolder for downloading (in my case, the current year -- say mwpics\2009). The program automatically then creates additional subfolders under the year based on the file date (which is also customizeable by year, month, date or whatever order I choose). So I then end up with "mwpics\2009\2009-09-25". It is only necessary to go in at the beginning of each year and change the year subfolder.
Anyway, Mike, I know what kind of magic you have worked in the past with QImage -- a program I could not live without -- so I am hoping you can come up with an option to provide this requested functionality in Flash Pipe. For $20 I will probably buy the program anyway because I know it will only get better, but I hope you will put this "file date subfolder" functionality near the top of the list. I can't imagine that there aren't lots of pros out there who would really appreciate it. At the very least, make it an option and require that a top level folder be specified so that even if you did have files from 1-01-09 and 9-01-09, they would easily show up under a single subfolder.
Thanks for listening.
« Reply #14 on: September 24, 2009, 06:47:12 PM » |
The reason that FlashPipe doesn't create this subfolder mess is described at the bottom of this page, along with a much smarter way of doing the same thing: still don't know why anyone would choose to make things more difficult by creating so many subfolders that you spend most of your time switching folders to find what you want. I think once you try it the FlashPipe way, you will agree that you don't need such "subfolder profusion". I think the only people who are asking this are the ones who have been used to doing it the hard way for so long. The subfolder should be generated by the date of the download. You separate your photos by date using prefixes on the file names. Much easier to navigate and find photos! Mike