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Author Topic: Flash Pipe Feature Requests  (Read 211149 times)
Posts: 22

« Reply #75 on: November 16, 2009, 05:34:33 AM »

would it be possible to add copyright info owners name etc. to the exif of files as they are downloading that way you would know all your files carry your name and whatever copyright statement you wish
would it also be possible to add keywords to the iptc eg. a country name or an event name etc.etc.
Fred A
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« Reply #76 on: November 16, 2009, 10:35:05 AM »

would it be possible to add copyright info owners name etc. to the exif of files as they are downloading that way you would know all your files carry your name and whatever copyright statement you wish
would it also be possible to add keywords to the iptc eg. a country name or an event name etc.etc.

Good morning!
There's a dedicated tool, and I believe it's free; EXIFTOOL-7.44, that will allow changes to the EXIF header. Since the headers are not 100% standard, you might be better off doing that by hand.
The IPTC info can be added in Qimage to a single image or in a batch form which is very handy and saves time.

Copyright info, logos, and even watermarks are easily done in Qimage too.
Hope some of this helps.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #77 on: November 16, 2009, 04:04:59 PM »

There's a dedicated tool, and I believe it's free; EXIFTOOL
Here are the details:
This is a command line program which is ok for those who understand how to use such applications.
Fortunately, someone has produced a GUI fro the program that enables many of the features via an easy to use interface.
You can access the downloads & instructions here: http://freeweb.siol.net/hrastni3/foto/exif/exiftoolgui.htm
It's an easy program to use and unlike Exifer, will copy from raw images.

I first mentioned this program on the forum here http://ddisoftware.com/tech/computer-software/metadata-read-edit-copy.
Posts: 22

« Reply #78 on: November 17, 2009, 04:09:19 AM »

thanks fred,terry i will try your suggestions also the gui was updated 4 days ago for ExifToolGUI and it looks easy to use
Posts: 1

« Reply #79 on: November 20, 2009, 11:44:12 PM »


Hello.  I just purchased FlashPipe and I like it a lot.  One thing that I think would be useful as a feature in a future version would be an additional transfer option that will only copy those files with the archive bit set, and then clear the archive bit.  It would also be useful to have an option that only clears the archive bits, so you could put it at the end of a series of other copy operations.  Some other picture transfer utilities use that method to mark the pictures as already transferred, so they can ignore them next time.  I realize that FlashPipe is smart enough to skip files that are already in the destination, but it is still slow for it to go through a 16 GB SDHC card full of pictures, just to skip most of them.

I realize that I could use the move option to get the pictures off the card so it won't scan them next time.  However, that's not the way I usually work.  I tend to leave the pictures on the card until it is nearly full, and then clear it off completely.  That allows me to essentially keep a temporary extra backup copy on the SD card during the period between when I transfer them onto the PC, until the next time the PC gets backed up, and until I rotate that with my off-site backup.  I'm a believer in the adage that if you don't have three copies of your digital data, you don't have any copies. Smiley

Posts: 2

« Reply #80 on: December 01, 2009, 01:45:20 AM »

I echo the comments above...flashpipe is a great program that has already found its way into my workflow.  The ability to add meta data (like copyright info) would be a very welcome addition (I believe someone already included that in the wish list, but I want to add my vote too  Grin).  Thanks for making all of our lives easier!
Posts: 2

« Reply #81 on: December 01, 2009, 02:54:55 AM »

I forgot to add...Canon S90 and Nikon D3S raw file support  Wink.
Posts: 2

« Reply #82 on: December 13, 2009, 06:53:09 PM »

Not sure what is the mechanism to request new raw support, but since I see another request above.  Could you please add raw support for the Fuji S200EXR?

Posts: 22

« Reply #83 on: December 25, 2009, 08:43:25 PM »

i would like to be able to see where the files are going based on my current selections before i download them displayed on the main screen
i would also like to see where the files are going displayed while i am downloading them
i would also like to see an option to open the containing folder from the transfer status window
Posts: 5

« Reply #84 on: February 17, 2010, 11:38:01 PM »

Hi Guys,
like the concept behind flash pipe.

I store my photos in folders based on shooting date. I might use a card for a couple of days seeing the card these days hold so many shots. Also I might not be in a position to copy them off the media.

My file structure while repetitive I find very useful. I have tried other structures and ended up loosing a number of photos. Due to software changes over the years I have to very similar formats.

yyyy->month->yyyy-mm-dd (or yyyy_mm_dd).

A new file create option of shooting date.

Thank you
Ian M
I am also looking for this feature. IN fact that is the ONLY feature that I need right now, as I am very happy doing my raw processing in either Lightroom or DXO - both of which I've already licensed. I have backup programs also, such as SyncbackPro, but none so far can store files based on their CREATE date! If you had that in Flash Pipe it would be enough for me to purchase it. (I think that the old Canon Zoom Browser did something like this, but doubt if it would copy my Nikon raw files or Sony videos).

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #85 on: February 18, 2010, 12:05:33 AM »

FlashPipe file renaming and folder naming has moved on since Sept 2009  Smiley
See attached screen snaps of current options, are these adequate for you use or can you change your approach to synchronise with the given options?
Posts: 5

« Reply #86 on: February 18, 2010, 01:09:43 AM »

FlashPipe file renaming and folder naming has moved on since Sept 2009  Smiley
See attached screen snaps of current options, are these adequate for you use or can you change your approach to synchronise with the given options?
Thanks Terry. I've dowloaded the eval and found Nirvana Smiley and bought a license straight away.
Posts: 2

« Reply #87 on: February 19, 2010, 01:27:49 PM »

Hi Mike,

As of v.2010.118: One feature request just popped up while I prepared a bunch of images for the Web:
Apparently the JPEG settings from Develop are just taken over by the Web size creation. This leads to inappropriately large web files (at given target pixel size) when you use a good quality setting for Develop (which I do).
So my request is a separate JPEG quality setting for the Web file creation - I just cut down the Web size to one quarter for the same image size by changing my Develop JPEG setting from 98 to 80 - and must make sure that I do not forget to reset it before the next 'real' Develop job ...

Thanks for listening  Wink

Posts: 5

« Reply #88 on: March 24, 2010, 12:01:50 AM »

  • I would like to request FP to be multi threaded, so that it can respond to button clicks while it is processing.
  • I would like to have a STOP and a PAUSE/RESUME button
  • Trace log would be nice, so that when things bomb out I can tell what was done and what caused the problem
  • NO OVERWRITE would also be handy, in case I need to restart a job, but don't want to re-copy gigabytes of stuff that was already done. This may need a bit of planning as it must take into account the excellent renaming option.

Big thank you for this tool. It is so very useful to me. BTW, I personally do not use the raw processing part only the file transferring components, as I prefer to do my "development" using either Lightroom or DXO.

Just a tip for Kaspersky Internet Security users: I recommend setting FP as an Exclusion App, so that KIS doesn scan every one of the hundreds of huge photo files as they are copied.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #89 on: March 24, 2010, 10:50:09 AM »

Trace log would be nice, so that when things bomb out
What on earth are you ding to make FlashPipe "bomb out"? No such problems have been reported as far as I know  Huh?
NO OVERWRITE would also be handy,
This feature already exists.   Wink FP will ignore absolutely identical files and not copy again. If a file has the same name but is different in terms of its bits, the it will copy and re-name. This is useful when copying images folder to folder as opposed to card to folder Thus if you have created a new version of an image or created Qimage Filter flt files or RAW qrs files, the original files will not be over-written but a re-named version created. No data is ever lost.
I can't comment on the other 2 requests except to say I've not had any difficulty in using FP in it's current state.

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