v2010.103 trial, Vista 32 SP2
Settings seem to be saved and remembered now but I still get an empty "Developed" folder next to the date folder created for my Raw and Developed files. The date folder also contains a "Developed" folder that indeed does contain my developed raw files.
Also, as in prior versions, when I first open FlashPipe, after the trial message, a message box appears asking if I want to go to the FlashPipe web site now. If I click either the "Yes" or "No" buttons FlashPipe will open. It never goes to the web site.
There does not seem to be a help file, is that as intended?
These all seem to be problems localized to your machine:
(1) You may be looking at old folders or you have an extra line in your operations table that is creating that folder. The latest version will not create the "Developed" folder unless there are raw files to be developed and you have the boxes checked to develop raws and put them in a "Developed" folder. Try cleaning the folder out and starting over. v2010.100 and v2010.101 would create a blank "Developed" folder in some cases but v103 should never create an empty "Developed" folder unless you have an odd "Develop" entry in your operations table.
(2) When presented with the question about going to the web site, if you answer "Yes", the Windows command is sent to open
http://www.ddisoftware.com/flashpipe . If your system doesn't open the web page when you click "Yes", then your OS doesn't know how to open a web page. So far, you are the only person reporting this problem.
(3) Same here: the help file is there and you can find "flashpipe.CHM" in your FlashPipe installation folder. When you click "Help", "Contents", the Windows command is sent to open that file. Seems like your system is having trouble with "Open" commands. Again, I think you are the only one having this problem.