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Author Topic: Question file handling???  (Read 15547 times)
Box Brownie
Posts: 48

« on: September 26, 2009, 08:30:45 PM »

Hi Mike & all Smiley

I will be watching the video soon but wanted to ask the following:-

My Canon 40D "folders" images 100 101 102 etc i.e. it puts 9999 files into folder 100 then in folder 101 starts again at 0001 - this IMO is not ideal Sad

For the record I just today got over the 9999 mark.

So can FlashPipe run a renaming process on files already on the hard drive in this instance adding or changing the 0001 number to 1_0001 thus telling me I have gone into the 10,000 serial.  Alternatively add 9999 to every file form now on until 10999 is reached then add 10999 the next serial???

I hope that makes sense ~ the reason to do any of this is to ensure that each file no matter what has an individual number and thus avoid duplication.  Now granted the adding the growing number to the file count could (theoretically) end up with 6 or maybe even 7 digit numbers so that also may be far from ideal?  Hence maybe the logic of simply prefixing them to indicate the 10,000 rollover points!

What do other Canon users do???

Oh! did I read on another thread that FP can be used to copy files en bloc for backup to say an external drive from the HD and that it does a verification check? Apart from the copying function this is the first such downloader/file 'mover' I recall reading of the verification feature.

TIA for any insight


PS Asking the blindingly obvious ~ have there been any reports of issues that FlashPipe corrupts files?
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2009, 09:50:48 PM »

So can FlashPipe run a renaming process on files already on the hard drive in this instance adding or changing the 0001 number to 1_0001 thus telling me I have gone into the 10,000
There are so many options that I can only suggest that you download the trial demo.
Go into Settings, and then Rename options.

Flashpipe will rename your images as it leaves the flash card, and gets to the hard drive with all manner of renaming options.
If there are duplicate names, but they are in different named folders, and you have no renaming option in use, then Flashpipe will use the existing filename.

Yes, it verifies the files as you mentioned, and there are no corrupted files ever. It never overwrites, never deletes.

Best way would be for you to try it out.

The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2009, 04:32:41 PM »

For the record I just today got over the 9999 mark.
I have been in this situation.
I rename with the shot date and the camera image number. You will get multiples of the same camera number but they will be unique because of the date pre-fix.
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2009, 04:39:19 PM »

because of the date pre-fix
or the same filename 0001 from many months ago, can be found again in a new dated folder in a different folder.

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