Is it just me or has there been no activity here over the past few days? I click "Show unread posts......" and nothing comes up, then clik to view other recent posts, and again nothing comes up. For a forum that has had daily posts fo as long as I've been "attending" I am left to wonder whether something is wrong at my end.
Good question!
As for that pesty Fred guy, he has a cold, first one in 5 years.
Then his wife decided that our carpet in the house has to go....
So She Who Must Be Obeyed, has me moving stuff, and clraring shelves,,,,, you name it.
As for that metric Terry guy.
Spring has come to Rugby, England, (he has one of theose SHE WHO MUST BE OBEYED wives too), and he has orders to ready the garden!
So he has been scraping and plowing, and weeding, and spraying....
"No Qimage until you finish your chores!"
The rest of the quiet has to be attributed to Qimage users knowing how to do everything without coaching.