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Author Topic: Color Different between QiU and Photoshop  (Read 20581 times)
Posts: 3

« on: April 10, 2014, 05:27:04 AM »

New QiU user... still having difficulty with color.  Printing directly from Photoshop (CS2, still suits my needs) color is as expected.  Printing from QiU is WAY too vibrant (neon).  Read the white paper, "May 2011: Printing the Same Colors in Qimage Ultimate and Photoshop."  Followed instructions carefully... still prints too 'hot' -- if I set QiU = Let Printer/Driver Manage Color and PS Driver = Let Photoshop Determine Color, print is still too vibrant but much less so.  Tried different media profiles, same results.  With QiU and PS both set to (for example) 9800...WCRW_MK and with PS driver set to 'No Color Mgmt' it seems that the only s/w doing anything to color is QiU.

Tried printing from PS with BPC on and with BPC off... prints are the same.

Not sure what to try next.

Some of the information in the white paper doesn't translate well to CS2 (white paper describes CS5 settings).  For example, the way I get to the color management settings from PS CS2 is File - Print with Preview.  Then some of the settings are slightly different names, but I think the functions are the same.  Anyone have CS2 and does it work OK with QiU?
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2014, 11:30:23 AM »

Printing the Same Colors in Qimage Ultimate and Photoshop."  Followed instructions carefully... still prints too 'hot'

Sorry you didn't leave a name.
The fact of the matter is this.  Qimage and Photo Shop will both print with the same colors as long as the settings are the same!!

Those are the facts...  Now if you experience "hot colors" from one and not the other, settings are different someplace.

Do you use color management?  e.g. use printer profiles?
You don't mention it in your post.
If you do use a printer profile for your 9800, then the settings look like the two screen snaps below!
Profile matches the selected paper and the selected printer!!

If you do not use a printer profile, the Qimage gets set to Let Printer Manage color, and the 9800 driver is set to ICM.

See third screen snap.

That's all there is to it.
Next question is if you are making your judgement from Print Preview or from a real paper print?
Print to paper! Previews are OK for other things, but not color.

Next question: The images themselves!   Have you adjusted the color of the image based on the what you see on the screen?
Maybe you have boosted the colors because they looked pale?
What color space are you using for the image? Is it embedded so Qimage and PS start from the same place?

Last item... if you would care to send me one image that prints HOT, I would love to try it here.  wathree.ssz@verizon.net

The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2014, 11:31:03 AM »

if I set QiU = Let Printer/Driver Manage Color and PS Driver = Let Photoshop Determine Color
I do not think they are the same.
QU Let driver manage colour is what it says - it's the driver.
Let Photoshop determine colour is surely when you set the printer profile in PS and the driver to "no colour adjustment".
Tried different media profiles, same results
What are these profiles, how were they made, are they icc profiles? Is the image profile embedded in the image so it shows in the hot bar below the main screen between asterisks?
With QiU and PS both set to (for example) 9800...WCRW_MK and with PS driver set to 'No Color Mgmt'
So what is the driver set to with QU? Is it set from within QU using the Printer/Page setup button (top right of main screen)?
it seems that the only s/w doing anything to color is QiU.
I assure you there are many users using QU with full colour management and not getting any problems whatsoever.
Setup for full CM in QU is very easy, all the settings are there in front of you and not hidden in the depths of some menu. The only thing you have to do is make sure, the driver is set correctly both with media type that matches the printer icc profile and set no colour adjustment. Use those settings and QU remembers then next the program is opened - unlike other some software.
My prints match the screen pretty well perfectly every time an have done now for several years.
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