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Author Topic: getting borders in qimage ultimate  (Read 25780 times)
Posts: 10

« on: March 12, 2015, 01:18:56 PM »

I've begun to use this software but am having a few issues.  I'm trying to place an 8.5"x11" image on a page that is 11"x14".  I can do that with no problem but when I set borders arong the image the actual dimensions that aresult are not what I specified.  I've put two borders around the image and indicated that the borders should go into the image, not grow out.  When I make a file to send to the printer, the dimensions of the image which has the appropriate borders is not 8.5 x 11 but approx 8.5 X 12.  The overall image is 11 x 14 as it's supposed to be.  Am I doing something wrong?  I'm not using the 'Photo Mats' option but choosing the borders after clicking the small icon that has 3 horizontal parallel black lines on it.  Any help will be much appreciated.    Brad
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2015, 04:14:04 PM »

What size are the borders?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2015, 04:45:33 PM »

When I make a file to send to the printer, the dimensions of the image which has the appropriate borders is not 8.5 x 11 but approx 8.5 X 12.  The overall image is 11 x 14 as it's supposed to be.

It is a little difficult for me to determine what sizr print you want.
Sounds like you wanted 8.5 x 11 on an 11 x 14 paper size.

That's easy!

But from the above sentence, I think maybe you want to send the print store the actual complete image which would be 8.5 x 11 print on an 11 x 14 page which you hope would come out that way ....  There are easier ways to do that, but let's stick with the initial problem.
Here are three sample for you to look at
It just depends on the end game you are looking for.
120 is showing you the entire image as one image at 11 x 14 including the white space.
Use the check in RIP to eliminate the white space and get an 8.5 x 11 with borders.

Posts: 10

« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2015, 07:10:14 PM »

Thanks Fred:  You did get my thoughts.  I probably just screwed some little thing up.  I send my images to Costco to be printed and they don't do 8.5 x 11 so I am trying their 11 x 14 then trimming the excess white background.  If I continue to have any problems I'll get back in touch.  Thank you again.
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