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Author Topic: Image read error  (Read 31452 times)
Warren Tucker
Posts: 5

« on: June 05, 2014, 04:47:43 PM »

Qimage is killing me. I've got a large job due next week of images that have to be printed, coated, stretched. Qimage won't load the files. The images are photographs 45x65, around 960 mb. Qimage has loaded  similar images, yesterday in fact. When I send Qimage to the folder containing the images to be printed with a new image, The thumbnail representing the new image reads "Loading" for a few minutes and either displays the thumbnail or, currently "Image Read Error." If I click on the thumb and delete it, the thumb disappears and sometimes the image file is also deleted, sometimes not. I get the image as a PSD file and open it in PS and save it to the Image folder as a tiff. I've spent hours on this problem. What could it be?. It the file too big? Why would Qimage load this type of file sometimes and sometimes not?
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2014, 05:05:21 PM »

Why would Qimage load this type of file sometimes and sometimes not?
Could be a memory issue.
Can you check the reading by doing a HELP, then Hold the SHIFT key and click Analyze settings.
What numbers are you getting now when it WONT load?
Warren Tucker
Posts: 5

« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2014, 06:26:51 PM »

Thank you for the prompt reply. Start: 1472mb, Addl: 212, Now:1443.

I've worked out a runaround. I open the files in PS, change the resolution to 180 ppi, and then save to
A image. That works. I noticed that CS 6 Bridge couldn't or wouldn't in a reasonable amount time produce thumbnails of the files. The files were 220ppi originally at a little over a gigabyte, after resizing they are around 540MB. They take a bit of time to load in Qimage but at least I can print them. The printed images are 45x60 including a 2.5
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2014, 07:14:02 PM »

Thank you for the prompt reply. Start: 1472mb, Addl: 212, Now:1443.

That was the problem. Insufficient memory. Either reboot without turning on Photo Shop or whatever else is hoarding your memory, or do exactly what you are doing.
I have a mediocre setup and I get 2147. That would be the minimum of memory available needed to operate with your file sizes.
Never asked what OS you were running?
If it's XP, there is a switch to allow for free memory to be used.

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