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Author Topic: Install problem  (Read 23271 times)
Posts: 3

« on: April 05, 2010, 10:23:10 PM »

I don't see a more logical place to post this item.  I am using Qimage 2007 and successfully downloaded the 2010 (q10-205.exe) upgrade.  When I attempt to install the upgrade it fails with the error message "The NTVDM CPU has encountered and illegal instruction."  Any idea why this is happening?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2010, 10:54:53 PM »

"The NTVDM CPU has encountered and illegal instruction."  Any idea why this is happening?
I really don't know, but googling that error message turns up a load of reports and fixes for the problem.
They are too numerous to type them here.
Some of the reports of this error are related to which Windows and which level of service pack you are running.
It probably be a good idea to read through and see what others have done.
Two found it to be a WORM.
One example:

I resolved this problem in another instance. Anytime I tried to use cmd.exe from Windows XP Pro, I'd get an error similar to this. I found that Notron Anti-virus did not catch a cmd.com file some enterprising script-kiddie had slipped into my machine. Ping wouldn't work either. Similarly, deleting the "hidden" ping.com allowed Windows to use ping.exe. Tracert also failed with this error. Sure enough, I found tracert.com hidden and deleted it. Then tracert.exe worked fine.

In Windows, "com" files are executed before "exe" files. This was being exploited. I did a search of my entire system and found 14 other hidden com files with exact exe counterparts. Of course, I couldn't run those commands until I removed the com files and allowed the exe files to work.

Now, all is back to normal.

Thanks for the insite into the .COM files. I found numerous in my \WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 directory including:-


& a file dated the same as bszip.dll

So I did to this as I did unto others. KILLED IT!

Now these things work fine again ... for the time being at least!

Its a WORM so Mr Carefull has, over the past 30yrs of IT has finally been caught out by the Kids!!!

The important file is bszip.dll in the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32 - check out the internet for further detail.


Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2010, 11:58:55 PM »

Thanks Fred - Yes I have Googled many "solves" without any success.  Most of those relate back to Windows 98, early XP, etc.  My problem only occurs in the attempt to install Qimage 2010.  At least it has not raised it's ugly head anywhere else.  Just thought someone in a Qimage forum might have run across the same problem.
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2010, 01:46:37 AM »

Although you have googled the problem, have you tried any of the suggested fixes? Have you tried to install any other software which may require the NT virtual dos machine to run? With no clue given to which os you are running, or a copy of the exact error message, we can only guess. Fwiw, I've just installed the software fine on an xp machine. Maybe you could try downloading it again and attempt a fresh install, but my guess, from the few details you have given is that you have a virus on your machine, or ntvdm has been corrupted.
Posts: 3

« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2010, 07:21:04 PM »

Yes I did try the "fixes" listed in the many Google responses.  No, none of them worked.  I have discovered one more factor that may give a clue.  The download that fails is the one that results from using the link provided in the Qimage progam itself.  That download which also has the name Q10-205.exe is only 4 kb in size.  I'm guessing it must be an upgrade patch.  If the same file is downloaded from the Qimage web page the file is approximately 6 mb and installs with no problem.  That doesn't answer why the first doesn't work and the second does but having gotten the desired result I am no longer pursuing a solution.  Thanks for your response.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2010, 07:36:01 PM »

That download which also has the name Q10-205.exe is only 4 kb in size.  I'm guessing it must be an upgrade patch.

I think we are stumbling across the problem.
Both methods of downloading the current Qimage come from the same place; same file.
After installing Qimage, the actual EXE file that runs Qimage is 7443 KB.
The download compressed file is 6045KB.
If you have a Qimage download that is 4 KB (or even if that was a typo, and you meant 4 MB), something is shredding the download. Possibly an anti virus program or some other protection device when you download using HELP ABOUT in Qimage.

Best I can think of at the moment.

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