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Author Topic: Q Studio vs Q Ultimate  (Read 13756 times)
Posts: 3

« on: July 26, 2010, 07:27:31 AM »

Well, I'm a satisfied user (much satisfied) of Q studio and FlashPipe, and I've Cs5 too. Do I need Q Ultimate? I' like to know some opinions.
Thanks in advance.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2010, 10:01:50 AM »

Well, I'm a satisfied user (much satisfied) of Q studio and FlashPipe, and I've Cs5 too. Do I need Q Ultimate? I' like to know some opinions.
Thanks in advance.


Thanks Luca,
Good opportunity to put some things in perspective.

Let's talk cars for a moment. Everyone has at least one.
When a new model Buick comes on scene and contains a new "rain sensitive" windshield wiper sensor system, that's really nice.
The ride computer is updated.
Wheels are larger for better economy.
Look at this: a new ignition plug firing timing system for fuel economy,
New designed engine for speed and quietness.
Built in telephone and music system. Heated steering wheel, heated seats. and a GPS system so I don't get lost.

Do I call Buick and demand that they take my 2004 model in and refurbish, or do I take a deep breath and savor that new car smell, and get it.?

So, it looks like ddi software (mike Chaney et al) has engineered a newly designed Buick (henceforth to be called a new Q/Ultimate) which contains a new engine, a new ride computer, larger wheels for more work per hour (economy) and a better GUI (dashboard) an EXIF transfer system, and the new engine is called Lightning Raw!

It means that Ultimate will now develop your raw photos instantly, with all the tools needed if you like to tweak too. (I am a tweaker)
It will do it in lightning speed and defeat the growing problem of longer and longer loading times for Raw images as the mega pixels get larger and larger.

It contains a new White Balance tool that is the Cat's Meow to use and makes your images glow.

It also contains (and has before) the ability to have the user select a half dozen of his favorite shots and right click; SEND VIA EMAIL; the email client opens with the images already attached and in place; just waiting for you to type in the TO: email address.

But let's go back to the quality.  Mike Chaney is asking you to put aside your preconceived notions, take the proverbial blindfold taste test, take the which sock is whiter, laundry test, and ask yourself, which program made a better print from card to paper.... overall, from developing to tweaking to sizing to printing?

Never mind that old faded notion that because your other tools ran upward of 900 dollars, they have to be better, just see which sock is whiter; see which cola tastes better, and look at the label after you decide.

I have been doing this for many years. I would go to various club meetings, photo displays and deposit my 11 x 14 prints for display in the lobbies.
How did you do that? Look at the detail; the colors,,,,,   Oh My!!

Do you need Ultimate? I do!   I still want to make the best prints from the Raw images as I can, without what I call cheating. Cheating to me is replacing an entire gray sky with a blue one with puffy clouds, using other tools.
I don't do that....

Thank you for asking a really good question, Luca.
I also trust that this post will do little more than make you decide for yourself that the future is in Q/Ultimate, and if you are going digital in the future, then I will meet you at the next Ultimate rest stop along the way.

Posts: 3

« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2010, 08:35:20 AM »

Hi Fred,

your points are convincing, I've just purchased Ultimate. It works really fine (as usual for the ddi software). I'd add another convincing argument (to me), not the more important but anyway one to remember: for several years I've used  Mr. Cheney work, his accuracy and kindness in replying to questions and problems. I'm indebted to Mr. Cheney and I do not want to stop using his new work.

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