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Author Topic: Why doesn't the software owner doesn't answer his email???  (Read 23042 times)
Posts: 1

« on: September 26, 2014, 01:27:20 AM »

I am so upset that Mr. Chaney doesn't answer his email. From what I read on this site in his own words:

If you bought Qimage Ultimate but you get the message "not found in database" or "registration expired", you either entered the wrong email or your registration has expired (it has been more than a year since you purchased).  If your registration has expired, you can click here to renew for another year of upgrades at $19.99.

I found this appalling as I paid over 150.00 between the old and new Qimage and I am entitled to to get what I paid for. I can't help I had to do a system restore and wiped out everything on my computer. He needs to provide a disc instead of downloads or this wouldn't happen.

Has anyone else have this issue? I will be darn if I am going to pay another 20.00 to download the software I already paid for. I want him to answer my email and give me link to download the software that I bought and paid for instead of charging 20.00 if it goes over a year.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2014, 09:26:03 AM »

I found this appalling as I paid over 150.00 between the old and new Qimage and I am entitled to to get what I paid for. I can't help I had to do a system restore and wiped out everything on my computer. He needs to provide a disc instead of downloads or this wouldn't happen.

Has anyone else have this issue? I will be darn if I am going to pay another 20.00 to download the software I already paid for. I want him to answer my email and give me link to download the software that I bought and paid for instead of charging 20.00 if it goes over a year.
Dear Saleen,
We all understand your feelings.
We all had a moment of feeling a twinge of discontent when we had to change from FREE LIFETIME on the old Qimage, to a yearly 19.99 for the Ultimate version.
I think you bought your new Qimage in 2011, three years ago.   
Qimage Ultimate is a living growing software, and in order for it to thrive it must be fed and watered.. (19.95) a year.
There has been so many wonderful features and improvements added to Qimage, which continues almost weekly, that you always get far more than your 20 dollars worth of membership fee.
The old Qimage is history and has been for many years so to include the money you spent for that as a basis for not being treated fairly is quite over the top.
You certainly got your value from that purchase with years of free support and upgrades.

Adobe raised their prices over the years to where a copy of Photo Shop ran close to 500 dollars... now they rent it to you.

Please give some consideration to all the work that goes into updating a great piece of software weekly and sometimes, with an ear to REAL customer support, could be daily.
We hope you understand and can see the value of your subscription.

As for Mike not answering your emails on this topic, can't really fault him at all.  Your topic has been rehashed and hashed and rehashed again when Ultimate came out in July of 2010. Many couldn't accept, at first, that the "Goodship Free software forever" had sailed.
Since then, we all realize that Qimage Ultimate is a fantastic bargain even with a 20.00 a year subscription.
(By the way, no one is forced to renew each year. You can renew at 2 years or more with no penalty. The program does not expire and refuse to work)
You just will not get updated and new features until you subscribe.

Last item, in defense of Mike Chaney and Qimage Ultimate, if you do not intend to update your software purchase, then it is the customer's responsibility to  keep a copy of the Qimage Ultimate install file download that you are running. As for him providing a disc for you, in this day and age, it is easier and cheaper for you to burn your own copy of the download.
Again, sorry you are displeased, but that topic's discussion has been worn out long ago, and no one wants to recycle that topic again.
Not even Mike!

Please rethink based on value...
20 dollars is what you spend to see a movie for two; two people for a hamburger and a Coke; a haircut; 5  1/2 gallons of gas.
Thank you for your time.


Forum Superhero
Posts: 4294

« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2014, 12:44:39 PM »

Since you apparently weren't ready to renew and are only renewing to restore lost data, please check your email: I sent you a special offer that will help take up some of the "slack" since you weren't planning to renew just yet.

That said, please keep in mind that your membership to download updates is based on a one year subscription.  Yours expired more than 6 months ago and the last version that was accessible during your registration is no longer on the server.  We generally keep them around for about 3 months but eventually have to make room, so we remove versions older than about 3 months.

I don't want to sound harsh but the reality is that data loss (and recovery) cost money.  We've all learned that the hard way at some point.  Simply put, why should we incur the cost of you failing to back up your data?  We have never offered (nor do we charge for, like many companies) an "extended download service", nor do we serve as a personal data backup service.  Ours is a simple download subscription and when the subscription runs out, you no longer have access to the downloads.  Hopefully you will accept the special offer that I sent which is just a gesture from me to help soften the blow (of data loss) and chalk this up to experience: back up your data!

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2014, 02:45:26 PM »

I am entitled to to get what I paid for. I can't help I had to do a system restore and wiped out everything on my computer. He needs to provide a disc instead of downloads or this wouldn't happen.

I just saw your post about your issue above on DP Review

All I can say is, "Shame on you"

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