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Author Topic: ...More saga continues:Mike Chaney Free health clinic  (Read 24958 times)
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« on: February 20, 2016, 11:10:45 AM »

Since I first reported the new addition of the Unclogger to the clinic, which was 8 months ago, much has happened.
The initial reports were excellent as posted on June 7, 2015.


Since then, many months of clinical trials, and laboratory work has transpired.
We had to wait for the release of the reports from such august institutions as:
Hops Johnkins hospital, Baltimore
Columbia press the tear in, New York,
and finally Fedex just delivered two stone tablets which obviously came from Mt. Sinai hospital also in New York.

1) The unclogger replaces angioplasty ( unblocking of a blood vessel, especially a coronary artery.)

2) Clogged nose; a thing of the past.

3) In 68.3% of enlarged prostate conditions where urination was slow and time consuming, The Unclogger alleviated the condition.

4) Ear wax problems; gone forever.

5) How about the pasty eye condition when you wake up, or the little pickies that hang around in the eyes when when you wake up?
The unclogger has a scheduler that allows you to set it to work just as your wake up alarm clock goes off.

6) Constipation... will not be heard of again.

Please feel free to add your review of the unclogger.
How many Stars?
Let us know about any events that occurred which gave reason for you to use the unclogger with success in situations not mentioned above.

Thank you were your kind attention.
** Oh, a reminder. Even though the facilities and care at the clinic are free, You do have to be current with the Qimage Ultimate yearly membership.

Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #1 on: April 29, 2016, 10:23:56 AM »

                                                           A long time coming!!

The Chaney free Health Care system just received a momentous jump in its ability to provide the leading edge in modern FREE Health Care.
The software arrived a few days ago... Qimage Ultimate 2016-148
We were just waiting for Amazon Prime to deliver the Mice we needed for each surgeon.

Yes, folks, GONE are the days of scalpels and stitches.
Appendix looks like it might burst? Unsightly warts?
Emergency room traumas; bullet wounds, burns.
Your Houdiniiologist will simply boot up Qimage Ultimate 148 and with deft usage of the mouse, proceed to remove/VANISH the issues mentioned above.
That is the actual name of the instrument these pioneer medical people are using; The New VANISH tool found exclusively in 148.

There is more good news.
Clinical trials are underway to perfect the use of Vanish on Hemorrhoids. It is a blind study where half the subjects will get a vanish treatment, and the other half Preparation H
I should not really divulge this as it is a blind study, but so far 100% of the subjects getting the Vanish treatment have achieved complete success with only a rare 'scar" that can be seen when looked at through a 10x loupe.

So far the only side effect that has been documented is the powerful urge to show everyone how well it worked and to stop on street corners to bend over for show and tell.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2016, 10:27:45 AM by Fred A » Logged
Ya Me
Full Member
Posts: 133

« Reply #2 on: April 30, 2016, 07:09:26 AM »


Nice & short video

Ya Me


If I Don't Ask .. Who Will?
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