have another run through video, back to Ultimate, and so on. Well that's pasted an interesting couple of hours. Next day, damn, forgotten what video it was in. Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley
Good Morning Jeff.
You can, if you wish, have the video playing with Qimage Ultimate running too. The I click PAUSE on the video, and click the Qimage tag on the task bar and they swap.
I play for a while, and as you said, oops, what was that again in the video, I click the Tag on the task bar for the video and hit play again or back it up and replay a part.
Then we have another tool. A pad and pencil. Jot down the name of the video that you are watching so you can continue tomorrow.

Your joking. I often have two browsers or browser windows open, two videos running, a log file open for cut and pasting, pen and paper and then err what is it? Oh yes Ultimate.
No wonder I get confused.

Still I am making progress, if rather slowly. The printer has opened up a whole new area to me.