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Author Topic: Professional web site location--where and why?  (Read 24320 times)
Sr. Member
Posts: 322

« on: September 09, 2009, 05:05:35 PM »

Since we don't really have polls here, I am just asking for input.
There are literally hundreds of web hosting companies out there in the U.S. alone, let alone world wide.  I am curious where people are hosting their commercial sites.  By that I mean multi-page, FTP access, high throughput without fees, etc.  Or, do you just dedicate a machine and host your own?

General reviewer consensus is that those companies with only one category of hosting are either fly-by-night or not reliable with their up time.  I was with Highspeedweb.net for years but they got bought out, changed access and front-ends, changed existing contracts, etc., so I ended my contract.  I need to get updated and build a heavy presence wth some new things.

SO, what host are you using for the best values with throughput, features and reliability?  (Please skip Yahoo, MSN and the like)


<CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
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« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2009, 08:26:29 AM »


We use two separate hosts, one for our website and one for our galleries. For the galleries we use UK2 - http://www.uk2.net/website-hosting/ - the business package (£90 a year) has virtually unlimited space and bandwidth, and the CPanel control panel is the best going. It makes it easy to set up passwords and FTP accounts. Currently we have about 10Gig of client galleries and files, and a mirror of our main website just in case - www.cameophoto.co.uk .

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