then we wait for a Terry
Here I am

Like Fred, I've been experimenting with JAlbum too and have set up a little gallery. It's free up to 30MB, then you pay. It'ss good fun trying the different skins and ways of presenting your photos. several years I have used PBase as a means sharing my photographs. You have to pay for the web space, it's not as "jazzy" as JAlbum but is a well known place to see other people's images.
Click the green globe to the left of this post to see my PBase gallery. It needs a bit of a tidy up but you'll get the idea.
A free place to share photos is - if you don't mind the advertising.
A useful feature with all of these with respect to this forum is that you can "Insert" images from these web sites to illustrate a post. It allows you to show an image larger than the "Attach" function allow of 128KB.