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121  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Demo Qimage Ultimate on: August 22, 2010, 01:13:58 AM
Great idea to reset the counter.  After initialing installing Qu 1.04 I realized I should have waited a bit to see what else came down. My 14 days just ran out.  Terry and Fred seem like their reliving their first dates (trying to keep it clean!!) with all their enthusiasm.


Just buy it.  Qimage is the only program on my computer I'm enthusiastic about.  Jump in, the water's fine...and look at all the lifeguards here on the forum!
122  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Tone Targeted Sharpening for JPGs on: August 21, 2010, 01:28:41 AM
Just a quick note on topic here.  I developed TTS because I hate having to use lasso tools or "magic wands" to select areas, and when you use that selection method to sharpen, the results look "fake" to my eyes.  In the strawberry shot on the TTS page for example, you could have selected the strawberry and sharpened it but the effect really looks "photochopped" especially near the edge of the subject where the sharpening is going from heavy to none near the edges.  No matter how much you feather that, it's usually noticeable.  With TTS, you get to select the tones you want to sharpen and the effect naturally rolls off as tones diverge from what was chosen.  This not only takes care of edge anomalies but it also allows a sharpening curve within the selected area as tones shift around on your subject.  If you lasso a particular subject, it likely changes tone differently throughout and at a different rate at different places around the edges which TTS can account for and manual selection cannot.  And of course... clicking once with a dropper is a lot easier than using a lasso or magic wand.

Appreciate it, Mike.  It does indeed help to know the "innards," as you say elsewhere.  And you're certainly right that sharpening a selected area can result in something which just doesn't look quite right.  About the only time I feel forced to use a selection tool is when it's necessary to apply fill light only to a specific area, like a heavily-shadowed recessed window...a situation where overall fill light doesn't work, in other words.  Not that Fill Light in Qimage hasn't saved my bacon a couple of times!  Occasionally, though, it needs to be selective, like sharpening.
123  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Tone Targeted Sharpening for JPGs on: August 18, 2010, 03:14:38 PM
Yep, it's clearly beige, sorry.  I noticed the wisps of hair, too.  As you say, a small detail which has an important effect.  And the photo itself is a textbook example of an image which should NOT have overall sharpening applied.  Strange things can happen to the nicely-out-of-focus background when that's done.  Thanks again for posting it.
124  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Tone Targeted Sharpening for JPGs on: August 18, 2010, 01:39:52 PM
Thanks, Terry, good example.  The difference in the white helmet is very apparent, but what's also significant upon closer examination is how TTS reveals the fine texture in the black jacket.  Toggle back & forth while looking closely at that area.  Impressive.
125  Mike's Software / Qimage Studio Edition (archived) / Re: floating text on: August 18, 2010, 01:17:53 PM
I reckon it would be trivial to produce a greetings card template
Depends on whether you want multiple lines of related text, with equal spacing vertically between the lines (eg for an address) ... I asked for this years ago, and was told to wait for the floating text improvements which as far as I know never materialised. You could align the horizontal starting points of lines, but not make the spacing between lines the same. I did create a template, but had to resort to manually editting the numbers in the template by trial and error to work out which number controlled what. I haven't changed the templates since creating them.
I don't quite understand what's going on here, because I do this regularly on the back of my photo note cards, no problem.
126  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Tone Targeted Sharpening for JPGs on: August 17, 2010, 11:55:56 PM
I assume that this method is simpler than developing an array of tools for selecting the area/areas to be sharpened?
Don't underestimate the sophistication behind the concept  Shocked
I'm not (I hope).  Actually, I'm in no position to judge, not being a programmer.

In the above, I meant, "simpler for the developer to implement," rather than implementing an array of selection tools which (as in most other photo editing programs) would allow selecting an area to be sharpened.  I could be completely off base here, too, though.

It's just that every time I found myself wishing for selective sharpening in Qimage, I reminded myself that Mike would have had to implement a half-dozen different selection tools, just like other photo editing programs.  Personally, I think TTS is a great way to go, since I'm not all that skilled with the selection tools in other programs.  It should be more than sufficient for my sharpening requirements, and in many cases will simplify my workflow.  I was just speculating that perhaps TTS was a bit simpler to implement than a bunch of selection tools.  Help me out, here.
127  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Tone Targeted Sharpening for JPGs on: August 17, 2010, 09:26:16 PM
Yes, and I assume that this method is simpler than developing an array of tools for selecting the area/areas to be sharpened?
128  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Tone Targeted Sharpening for JPGs on: August 17, 2010, 05:55:54 PM
Thanks, Terry, appreciate it.  I often shoot jpegs when they're perfectly appropriate for the end use.  I suspect I'm not alone in this.  As I said in another thread, I've often wished for selective sharpening in Qimage.  Now, essentially, that hole has been filled.  Great job, Mike.
129  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Tone Targeted Sharpening for JPGs on: August 17, 2010, 02:30:17 PM
Share the wealth, Terry!
130  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Tone Targeted Sharpening for JPGs on: August 17, 2010, 02:00:02 PM
Impressive, Fred, thanks for the examples.
131  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Some grumbling going on over here... on: August 17, 2010, 03:27:36 AM
Sorry, but I need to jump in here.  When I bought Qimage, even when I upgraded to Studio, I never dreamed I would be working with raw images or doing about 50% of what is now my normal workflow.  For each of you who feels cheated, ask yourself how much money you spend annually on your photo profession (or hobby as in my case) in terms of photo equipment, computer and printing equipment, and paper ink cartridges etc.  I have said it before, I'll repeat it, Qimage is a full 30 to 40% of my overall functionality, it is about 3 or 4% of the overall cost.
+1, Mel.  What do we spend annually on ink cartridges alone?  I cannot count the number of photos I've printed or had printed without touching the file with any program but Qimage, and that includes an 18x24 from a Canon Powershot Pro1.  The only thing which I wanted that Qimage couldn't do was selective sharpening.  That hole has been filled.  Long-time user, upgraded to Pro and then Studio...wondering all the time how in the world Mike was making a living.  I'll be buying QU very shortly.
132  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Anyone using Mike's Nikon D90 profile with the D5000? on: August 04, 2010, 02:31:48 PM
If my information is correct, these cameras have identical sensors and nearly-identical in-camera processing, so would the D90 profile be close enough to use?
133  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Q Ultimate - my thought on: July 29, 2010, 04:05:39 PM
+1 to what the OP said...even though I think I paid all of $35 for my first version of Qimage--which I bought simply because it was so nifty to be able to print multiple images neatly and compactly on one sheet of paper.  (This was before the "photo printing utility" was available in Windows.)  At the time, I don't think that I knew what interpolation meant--but since I was shooting with a Sony Mavica, I soon learned that Qimage was the only way I could print an acceptable 5x7.

I later upgraded to Pro, and some years (and several cameras) later was shopping for a raw converter when I realized that all I had to do was upgrade to Studio and just keep printing.  Like the OP, over the years I've received much more value from Qimage than the approx. $100 I've spent.  Five years ago, people looked at my prints and said, "That can't be digital."  Today, they look at my prints and say, "You printed this yourself?"

I know that I'm not the only one on this forum who has been worried about DDI Software's financial well-being.  I'm very glad to see Mike make this move.

And I will continue to make other people aware of Qimage whenever possible.  That includes my postings to other internet forums and comments I make about relevant articles or news stories.  Let's all do the same.  I want Qimage--and Mike--available for the rest of my life!
134  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Some grumbling going on over here... on: July 26, 2010, 07:49:52 PM
Unbelievable.  I have actually been wondering how Mike and Qimage have survived financially this long. So for me this is good news.

Same here.  Have wondered many times how much longer things could go on as they were.  Full speed ahead, Mike.
135  Mike's Software / Qimage / Re: Qimage: Documented and undocumented - A list of random jobs Qimage does easily. on: June 28, 2010, 05:26:30 PM
That's super, Terry, thanks much.
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