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1  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow? on: October 15, 2013, 07:53:01 PM
Hi Terry,

Do you have any particular gyre cards/brands to recommend?

Also do you profile your camera?  Use QIU provided profile?  Use profile prism to profile under various light?  Or use something like the industry standard x-rite passport?

Thank you....
2  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow? on: October 09, 2013, 07:34:05 PM
Nice comments!

The wife crazy comment was related to asking her about hues and red/green and tint questions...

So with the x-rite you have, you only use the grey or white point and not the other colors on the chart?

Am I right that this option  http://www.amazon.com/dp/B002NU5UW8/?tag=googhydr-20&hvadid=14123715355&hvpos=1t2&hvexid=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11235267231475335855&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=b&ref=pd_sl_2m2w85pyb7_b   would really not be needed because I have profile prism?  And there is the QU camera profile....so really two options.

Sure I could use it for setting WB with the dropper but couldn't I use this option as well?

I really like the idea of using the photovision 14" target to get the exposure right and not blowing out the highlights too.  I'll probably have $125 in all three of these tools (expodisc, target, and vello).  Seems reasonable.

I appreciate your dialog.
3  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow? on: October 09, 2013, 05:35:06 PM
Hi Terry,

I will check again.  I press space and have a profile on my monitor.  No QU edits on most photos but some.

Say..I am partly colorblind and am finally getting to doing what I should have done it getting my WB right in camera to reduce post processing.

Do any of you have experience with Colorchecker passport, expodisc, photovision targets, or dtk/vello white/grey/black targets?

I am getting an expodisc used and I think I want to order the photovision 14 inch target as well as the $10 vello card set (BH).  Honestly I don't think I need the colorchecker and software ($89) as QU comes with a D7000/D7100 profile and if I wanted to profile it I could use profile prism which I have seen in other posts some of you have done.

Any comments on the above are invited.  I need to diminish my workflow so that I am not dealing with color corrections after the fact.  It drives my wife crazy....

Thank you, Mike

4  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow? on: October 01, 2013, 01:59:40 AM
I really do appreciate the comments you guys are making on QI.  In looking momentarily at the features of Picasa, it renders the photos for the screen so quickly.  Is there any way to allow Qimage to run faster, when I press the space bar, it renders rather slowly?  Wonder if I should use Picasa to preview my photos and then workflow into QI_U.  Ugh, the preview images though in Picasa are low quality.

Any comments appreciated.

Oh, also do you guys shoot in Adobe RGB or sRGB in the camera?

Thank you!
5  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow? on: September 28, 2013, 05:26:58 PM
Working at comparing a D7000 and D7100 but have never been able to fully see the EXIF information in Qimage.  Is that better in Ultimate...very important for my workflow to be able to ascertain white balance settings and other settings in the camera....

Is there a way to do this?

The free Irfanview shows detailed exif so nicely.

Thank you for your comments!
6  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow? on: September 17, 2013, 05:34:04 AM
Wow, I can see the difference in the retention of dynamic range by using RAW processing.  Quite impressive especially with the low light capabilities of the Nikon D7100.

As I get my workflow going, I see not that IPTC only apply to jpeg and that I have to use a database or file names with RAW.  It seems though that the tagging with QI Ult is only one long string.  I think I am used to the flexibility of Gmail labels.  I would want multiple labels for each picture.

At least a .NEF file can belong to multiple albums.  However I wish that I could pick one or more .NEFs and then add it to multiple albums at one time.  Then the albums almost acts like a way to search/organize.

Any comments on tagging & searching is appreciated beyond file names of course....

Thank you.
7  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow? on: September 13, 2013, 03:14:48 PM
But the best, Mike, is DFS and TTS.... Deep focus sharpening, (Beats USM, and no haloes) and TTS, Tone targeted sharpening,
See them in action with the learning videos:
DFS http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=AiVoXcB1uzk&vq=hd1080

TTS http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=xn7Ipw8IAhQ&vq=hd720

It's worth checking out the other videoa too; a comprehensive list!
All videos: http://www.ddisoftware.com/qimage-u/learn.htm

Want to bring some sunshine into an image? See the post here: http://ddisoftware.com/tech/qimage-ultimate/smart-color-boost-simple-sample/msg14659/#msg14659
Another recent Chaney innovation, Smart Colour Boost  Grin


Great infomation Terry.  I am taking it in.  Do you or others use the User Data or IPTC data to do tagging?  I think the IPTC is stored in the .jpg itself but where is the user data stored (i button on picture).  I am a bit concerned about that.  Your workflow and comments about tags and searching would be appreciated as well.
8  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow? on: September 13, 2013, 01:37:36 PM

Wonder if FCCM (newer flash pipe) has this feature....I want to reorganize my old folders of photos that already have some Qimage filters in them.  I tried to use FCCM to copy my photos and 'other' to another directory but the program is not smart enough to rename the filter appropriately.  Has Mike C. considered an ability to rework existing file names while retaining linkage to the filter file?  It would need to recognize and rename the filter file simulatneously.

A program called MediaMonkey does this for music and videos excellently....
9  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow? on: September 10, 2013, 01:52:32 AM
Oh, I'll also have to compare how lens correction works.  I hope it works on a bunch of my Nikon lenses--I have about 7.  Wonder I have to process raw to do lens correction......I would assume so.
10  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow? on: September 10, 2013, 01:50:54 AM
Thank you Terry and Fred.  You two are great!

I will mull this over this week.  I am a computer guy and I demo high end software for colleges. My laptop runs server 2008 R2 and I have lots of technical stuff in my brain.  That said, we each have our specialties.  I have never seen the need as a hobby photographer to want to spent hours tweaking my photographs.  I have a D70 which I've had since it first came out.  I have used Qimage Pro since 2003-2004.  It worked so wonderfully for super high quality creations that were easily profiled to print at Costco and on my home canon.  I own Profile Prism and calibrated my printer in the past but have not for awhile.  I was surprised at the ease with which I created a Christmas collage of family pictures for about 5-6 years in a row.  I did it all in Qimage with blemish (wish there were a few more correction tools) control and cropping.  The color profiling and custom layout allowed me to create 8x11 collages and then later when I got tired of printing, I make high quality collages on 4x6 and 5x7 layouts with multiple pictures and then had them printed at Costco.

If I keep the D7100 as my upgrade for the D70, I may do more raw work.  I got such good jpegs from the D70 that I just processed in QI with that because it was easy and fast with less overhead.  I never upgraded to Studio to get the raw engine.  I also have a Canon S95 which I see is supported by QIU. Nice.

I have no problem repurchasing into a new model.  Mike needs some sort of support.  Lifetime upgrades is too good to be true especially for the small guy.  Things change.  Gmail may not always be free....you never know.

Because of the size of 24MP photos, I can see that my next step is an upgrade on my home PC to handle raw files and larger jpegs.

Do you concur that QI of the past (2010 vintage) got slower as images in a directory were over about 300?

I have always embedded the YYYY.MM.DD.time... as the name for all transferred photos.  I just have random folder names though like Inbox1,2,3....  (like I said a bad structure).

Don't know if QI has taken a back seat to Lightroom and/or DXO Optics since they came out.  I didn't seem them back in the mid 00's.  I have not done much since 2009 when I started a graduate program while working part time with 3 kids.  Now I'm back in it again and I want better!

I appreciate any and all pointers and will digest your posts while I'm traveling this week.  If you have any other pointers to posts or videos etc on good workflow please let me know.  I am going to review all the videos on the QI sight.

I sure would like to see Qimage Ultimate gain an even greater following for Mike and for development purposes.  It fills a particular quality yet streamlines niche.

Thank you again.  I think this conversation still fits the heading of entire workflows in QImage.
11  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Qimage Ultimate for Complete Workflow? on: September 09, 2013, 04:59:05 AM
Hi Terry,

This thread is old but I hope you don't mind replying.

I am a noob and was wondering if you could help me by specifying a really good starting workflow for Qimage.  I own Pro but will probably buy ultimate soon since I have a D7100 recently.

If you could also make any comments about what the best (or a good) folder structure is on the hard disk.

I would really appreciate your comments.  My folder structure stinks with bad habits that I need to convert from.....

Thank you in advance.

Mike W.
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