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1  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: We lost one of the best! on: July 27, 2023, 03:38:43 AM
When I first became a user of Qimage back in 2016-17, several times Fred would lead me out of the scary dark forest into the lighted meadow.  Always with a sense of humor, and of course patience.  He was always available for the occasional PM, again with patience, and of course his extensive knowledge of, and familiarity with, Qimage.  I don't know why, but I expected Fred to always be there, so this is stunning and heartbreaking news.

No question, he will be missed.
2  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Fixing green eyes (dog photographs) on: December 06, 2022, 07:32:43 PM
Interesting question.  I've taken more green-eyed dog photos than red-eyed ones.  You would think there would be a similar one-click solution to the red-eye reduction one.

The problem is almost always due to on-camera built-in flash, where the flash is almost in line with the lens and eye.  The old potato-mashers never had this problem even when attached to the camera, they were just off-center enough to avoid the problem.  The tiny flash that came with the PEN-F usually caused this problem, although occasionally it might be red-eye, still don't know why.

It will be interesting to see the answers you get to this.

The simplest solution, since they are your dogs, would be to re-shoot with the flash at least partly off-camera, if that's possible with your gear.

3  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Keyword and File Name Searching on: December 05, 2022, 08:02:57 PM
Keyword searches operate on IPTC data.  The best way to do searches in Qimage is to add a description to folders (or images).  For example, go to a folder of interest and enter a description in the "D:" box above the thumbnails.  Qimage will record that description for the folder.  If you do a regular search (and not a file name or keyword search), it is searching those: the descriptions you enter in Qimage.

I think I have to re-think how I name my print jobs.  Currently I include the last 4 digits of the filename, paper, print size, paper size, maybe camera, maybe raw processor, other info.  So one image might be printed on different papers, or similar images made with different cameras, etc.  I'll often add exclamation signs at the beginning to make certain images easier to find.

I'm guessing that IPTC data won't pertain to job names in the Job list.  And I don't see any way to edit/modify IPTC data in QU.

As my processing skills improve (oh! ever so slowly), and software improves, from time-to-time I go back and reprocess an old favorite to see if I can improve it much.  Maybe a lighthouse image from a Nikon digital camera might turn out better than one from my Olympus PEN-F.  But I keep the old print job just in case, maybe to print on a different paper.

On a slightly unrelated note:  I noticed that there are a few *.job files in C:\ProgramData\ddisoftware\Job_Save, with some overlap to *.job files in C:\ProgramData\ddisoftware\Qimage\Save.  I only do incremental backups of the 2nd folder.  Any reason to to include the 1st folder?

And thanks for the filename search info, that one I should have been able to figure out.  Forest and trees in this case, I think.

4  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: File Formats for Print Optimization? on: December 05, 2022, 01:43:47 AM
Got it.  Thanks, Mike.

5  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Keyword and File Name Searching on: December 04, 2022, 10:02:08 PM
So after 6+ years, I've decided I need to use the search function to find files.  But I'm having problems with the following:

1.  Keyword search:  to search for a keyword, I would have to assign one or more to a job, for example.  Where do I do that?  And can a keyword be assigned to an album?

2.  File Name search:  I have various files with the word snow, for example.  I tried searching for "snow" and "*snow*", but that didn't work.  Is there a way to do such searches?  And what about multiple search words, such as "snow" and "home"?

I watched the video for Save and Recall again, but that didn't answer my question.  I also searched for "keyword" in the forum, but the answers didn't seem to pertain.


6  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: File Formats for Print Optimization? on: December 04, 2022, 09:41:59 PM
The raw refine tool along with ODR makes quick work of just about any raw photo and you don't really need any other software.  </-snip->

I couldn't find the answer to this, I'm sure it's been asked-and-answered before, and this seems like a good place to ask again: is that a destructive or non-destructive edit?  And what about Fuji X-Trans files (just pondering the slight possibility of an X-T4 or 5)?

7  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Image Read Error on: November 20, 2022, 03:02:29 PM
Interesting.  I didn't try any mods (plugins) in Affinity.  Never would have thought modifying the image would change the file format; they are just pixels in the end!  When saving your TIFFs, you could also try to make sure you are not saving layers.

BTW, when I did my test, I saved the TIFF as 16 bits/channel because that's what the original was.  Worked fine here.  I'm using Affinity


In my case, which as I said may not be relevant to Andrew's situation, I've never saved as layers, and almost always as 16-bit.  When I'm done with an image I export it as a TIFF, I only have 2 afphoto files on my disk.  If I decide to rework an image later, I have the original raw, and there's usually been an upgrade to one of the plugins I use.  Although in the case of Topaz, I'm probably at the end of the line in upgrades/updates to the versions I'm using (Studio, DeNoise AI, Sharpen AI, and Adjust AI); Topaz has indicated they're focusing on their new AI products.  Anyway, when I go in to re-work an image, it's usually because I've learned something new in the meantime and want to start fresh.  So saving/exporting with layers is not an issue.

On occasion, I'll use some of the old original Topaz apps as plugins (Lens Effects, B&W Effects, Impression and Texture Effects).  I have some old scans of prints and film (35mm & various 120 formats) that were abused in storage, and I try to make the proverbial silk purse out of a sow's ear.  And with an apology to Gary Winogrand, I photograph something to find out what it will look like printed.

So the issue may not necessarily be with plugins in general, but with specific plugins that may no longer be compatible with AP.  But working an image with those apps outside of AP generally don't cause a problem with Qimage.

And I have the same version of AP, Mike, which I'm guessing is that last of version 1 from Serif.

One thing that is interesting is that while QU will have a hickup with some of these images, other image viewers may not, in particular FastStone and Irfanview.  I haven't really looked into that since my goal is to get a print that is acceptable to me via QU and my Pro100.

8  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Image Read Error on: November 19, 2022, 05:39:23 PM

This may not apply, or be related to AP v2, I'm still using v1.

Using some plug-ins from within AP has caused issues with the final image, such as the image thumbnail being corrupted or the image doesn't print correctly.  In particular, Topaz Studio 2, using either/both the HSL and/or the built-in DeNoise filters causes these problems, so I don't use the DeNoise function in Studio at all anymore, and if I want to use the Studio HSL filter I do that before opening the TIFF in AP.  (The HSL filter has a separate slider control for Orange, which I occasionally like to use.)

Generally, I'll do raw conversion in the camera's raw processor (OM Workspace for .ORFs, NX Studio for Nikon raw).  Then possibly Topaz DeNoise AI and/or Sharpen AI (Sharpen AI's denoise is sometimes good enough).  Topaz Studio if I want to control the orange.  Then take it into AP for a few minor tweaks before opening in QU.

A couple of times, running Sharpen AI as an AP plug-in has resulted in the above mentioned problems, in which case I'll just start over with sharpening before opening in AP.

I don't use the original free Nik plug-ins (v1.2.11?) very often, but occasionally they have caused problems, in which case I'll just work around it as well.

I have no clue as to what's going on, and at this point this workflow works for me with AP, and as I said, may have no relevance to your situation.
9  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Are you loyal to Qimage? on: October 17, 2022, 02:42:42 PM

A nice tribute.  But.  Having been mostly a studious lurker on these fora for several years, I'm not really buying the apology for the pun.  Forum Superhero?  Absolutely.  But maybe just as appropriate, "Punster-in-Chief"!

10  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: Color Problems on: July 19, 2022, 04:32:21 AM
...The monitor should be adjusted to match the printer, not the other way 'round.

FWIW, Ctein, a highly respected Master Print Maker (in some circles anyway) espouses this as well.

I've used this "profile"  Wink with my HP notebook (6yo), works for matching screen to print and doesn't seem to interfere with any other images I'm viewing online. 
11  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: v2022.125 issues/comments on: July 17, 2022, 11:59:09 PM
Interpolation type is not a conflict.  The smart driver settings eliminate potential conflicts in the driver, particularly ones that are "hidden" in obscure menus in the driver.  The difference between Fusion and Forge should be minimal (and not visible) unless you are trying to print low res photos.  So your job was saved with the "Fusion" setting and there is no real conflict with that setting.  It is also up front and very visible on the main UI as opposed to being hidden in some "extended settings" menu in the driver so that one is easy to see and change if you really want to.

Okay, that all makes sense.

As far as the message: PASS is the same thing as NOT FAIL.  Cheesy

Not exactly my guess, but close enough.  Grin

Thank you.
12  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: v2022.125 (126?) Interpolation on: July 17, 2022, 08:24:46 PM
Haven't downloaded v1.26 yet, that's next, maybe the question is answered there.

Playing with the new version (.125).  Canon Pro-100.  Pulled up a 2yo job.  QU adjusted the settings automatically as outlined in the video.  Except, Interpolation was set to "Fusion", the original setting (I think), and the little dot next to it was yellow; hovering the mouse, it said "Settings may not be optimal. Click to open settings."  So if I'm not mistaken, "Forge" is the new favored interpolation method.  Obviously, my question is, why didn't QU change that, or at least give a bit more of a heads-up?  And is there any reason why I shouldn't change it to "Forge"?  I don't think I have any that I wouldn't want to use "Forge" with.

One more:  once the auto settings have been applied, right-clicking on the "Smart Driver Settings" icon (the "V"), the response is "PASS".  I could make a guess or two what that mean, but I haven't been wrong on anything yet this year so I'm overdue, and I'll see if I can keep my streak going  Smiley. I'll wait for an official reply.

Otherwise, appears to be a fantastic update.  I've always gone through the driver settings to be sure I haven't screwed anything up, this will save a lot of time.  So thanks.
13  Mike's Software / Qimage / Re: Can I print pdf`s with Qimage? on: March 02, 2022, 06:00:29 PM
I'm not sure if this reply is relevant, if not, feel free to delete it.

Print-to-PDF apps have been around for a while.  I remember BullZip from years ago.  (I just checked, it's still under development.)  Depending on needs, there are at least a few such for Windows, a couple freeware.  CutePDF rings a bell also.

I've used PDF-Xchange Editor Plus ($hareware) for the last 10 years as an alternative to Adobe.  It includes a PDF printer driver, installed as a Windows printer alongside my Canon PRO-100, Epson XP-4100, and the other "printers" (?) installed by Windows.

I don't use Print-to-PDF for anything other than occasionally being a convenient format for sharing.  So I'm not really concerned about color management, but on-screen (HP Notebook), the PDFs look "close enough".  Refinement of color management may be possible, I've just never looked into it.  

If I want to add an image to a PDF, I usually just drag-and-drop or copy-and-paste.  But for printing multiple images to a single page, QU might be the way to go.

14  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: CR3 files on: November 12, 2021, 07:00:20 PM
Thanks, Fred!  That was it.  And for some reason I definitely kept overlooking raw format options.  All's good now.  Thanks again.

15  Mike's Software / Qimage Ultimate / Re: CR3 files on: November 12, 2021, 04:33:46 PM
Okay, Fred, I give up.  Where do I find the dialog box in screen snap 071?  I think I've looked everywhere, but obviously I haven't.  Help!
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