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 on: January 11, 2025, 07:36:08 PM 
Started by dannac - Last post by admin
When you select "Print to File", you are just selecting where you want to print: same as if you had selected a printer.

Did you click the print button to actually print once everything was set up?


 on: January 11, 2025, 02:12:54 PM 
Started by dannac - Last post by dannac
Thanks for the explanation Mike ... that will work for what I wanted.

Though I tried "Print to File"   ..... I'm not understanding how this works as it does not have me select a location to save the file ... the dialog just closes when I click OK.

 on: January 11, 2025, 12:22:31 AM 
Started by dannac - Last post by admin
I'm not sure what you are trying to accomplish; maybe to print a sheet showing the location(s)?  If that's what you are after, there's a way to do that by printing white templates with cut marks:

  • Under inner border, select a border color of white and set the border size to 2 inches: this large border size will cause the entire print area to be border color (white) on every 2x2 print
  • Add 20 copies of the "Template" thumbnail (last thumbnail in the list)
  • Drop down "Cut Marks" and select "Solid Line" and print

The result will be what you see in your screenshot, just without the diagonal hash lines inside the squares.

P.S. To export this instead of physically printing it, just set up your printer as "Print to File" and you can print the results (each page) to image(s).


 on: January 10, 2025, 07:25:19 PM 
Started by dannac - Last post by dannac
Have letter size sheet with 2x2 grid.

Is it possible to export or save this as an image ?

 on: January 10, 2025, 04:19:06 PM 
Started by NoelB - Last post by jrsforums
All three of the Epson printers I have used have a graphic showing the approximate levels of ink remaining.
Mirage has a graphic with a percentage reading as well. I don't know how accurate it is, but I do know that it seems to read in 1% increments, given that one of my cartridges dropped from 4% to 3% yesterday after I finished printing (with Qimage).

The accuracy is only going to be as good as the hardware is.  Mirage could indicate fractional values, but if the hardware only actually measures in larger increments, well…..

To my (limited) knowledge, most ink ‘readings’ are approximation, which is why Epson has ink remaining in cart when ‘empty’.  Canon Pro carts are actually able to go empty as they have a reservoir.

 on: January 10, 2025, 12:43:08 AM 
Started by NoelB - Last post by NoelB
All three of the Epson printers I have used have a graphic showing the approximate levels of ink remaining.
Mirage has a graphic with a percentage reading as well. I don't know how accurate it is, but I do know that it seems to read in 1% increments, given that one of my cartridges dropped from 4% to 3% yesterday after I finished printing (with Qimage).

 on: January 09, 2025, 10:28:26 PM 
Started by NoelB - Last post by jrsforums
Don’t most printer have utilities which show printer thus, that include ink levels?

 on: January 09, 2025, 08:25:20 PM 
Started by NoelB - Last post by NoelB
Thanks for the explanation Mike.

As someone who struggled to write simple batch commands in DOS back in the early 90's I am amazed at what software can do.
And you're right "For the vast majority of users of course, those are not worth the outrageous price of most RIPs."
In any case, it's always interesting wondering when my printer is going to stop because an ink cartridge is empty  Smiley

 on: January 09, 2025, 01:23:46 PM 
Started by NoelB - Last post by admin
I would include ink levels, nozzle checks, and other features if they were available but they are behind the "walled garden" of the driver and so, only accessible inside the printer driver.  Mirage is a RIP that only works with a select number of high end Epson and Canon printers and as a RIP, they can run the printer directly.  I don't plan any RIP functions in Qimage because that severely limits the number of printers we can support.  Not to mention the fact that all modern drivers are capable (with Qimage's help) of reproducing as good or better print quality without going the RIP route.  The only thing "missing" compared to a RIP are niche functions like per-ink-channel printing, ink levels, and other "diagnostic" type functions.  For the vast majority of users of course, those are not worth the outrageous price of most RIPs.


 on: January 09, 2025, 01:48:32 AM 
Started by MelW - Last post by NoelB
Hi Mel,
I don't have a P700 but I did have a P800 and basic profiles were installed for Epson when settingu my P800 (and now my P5360).
Good paper manufacturers will have profiles for their papers suitale for the P700.
as an aside, if you are still considering a P700, if I were you, I would do my sums in regard to buying a P700 and a P900 re the cost of the ink.
Last time I checked (here in Australia), ink for the P700 was about twice the price per millilitre than it was for the P900. The difference in price between the machines would soon be nullified by the cheaper ink for the P900. Anyway, food for thought.
Cheers NoelB

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