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Author Topic: Avoiding photos being cropped when printing  (Read 40676 times)
Posts: 21

Harry Briels

« on: October 06, 2009, 07:37:16 PM »

This is my first time on this Forum. When looking through this Forum I get the hopefully incorrect impression that, given the often 'high-brow'-language used, that to participate in the discussions one needs to have programmer knowledge? I am a hobby photographer living in Belgium and have no programmer capabilities. I tried for some time to work with the trial version of Qimage and this proved to be far from easy! I nevertheless just purchased the Professional edition. I use a Sony Alpha 700 and a Canon MP800R printer. (I expect a new Epson 3800 to be delivered soon) My first problem I hope this Forum will help to solve is:
When printing in Qimage my photos are being cropped at the right and bottom side. When printing on Canon 4 x 6 inch paper, the View Print Queue tells me that my photo has a size of 4,00 x 6,01 in (102 x 153 mm) and the Preview page shows that the paper I am going to print on is 4,003 x 6,006 in (101,6 x 152,5 mm). I would expect that my photo will almost fit the paper with very little cropping. However the cropping is far more than I consider acceptable. When cropping is necessary I will determine myself what to crop away and do not want to leave this to the printer or software.
What can I do to avoid unwanted cropping when printing in Qimage?
Thanks for your help!
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

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« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2009, 08:41:10 PM »

I get the hopefully incorrect impression that, given the often 'high-brow'-language used,

No high brow from me, that's for sure.
Let's work this out.
I am not familiar with that Canon printer except that it is a combination scanner, copier, and printer.
So let's start with some basics.
You are using Canon 4 x 6 paper.
The next question is: will you accept some margins around your prints or are you trying for borderless; I don't know if that Canon model does borderless.
So let's assume for the sake of making progress that you want to print an image as large as you can without cropping.
Telling the printer driver that you are using 4 x 6 paper should yield a report above the top right preview panel that tells you the printable area of that paper.
See snap 24.
It is saying that the printable area on that size paper is 5.685 x 3.73 inches
Therefore if you ask for a 4 x 6 size print, it will not fit in the aforementioned space.
So we tell Qimage  (CUSTOM FIT TO PAGE) that we want to fill the printable area,
Here's the crop part. Turn off the crop scissors located below. See snap 25.
Now add your image.
If the camera produces a 3:2 image it will fit the paper. If the camera produces a 4:3 image, then it will not fit a 4 x 6 ratio, so you will have to have white spaces on the 6" sides of the print.
If you turn on the crop scissors, Qimage will crop some some the shorter side until the longer side fills the space.
One last comment. The print size shown in the View Print Queue, lower left, is the size print that Qimage is sending to the printer.

Let me stop here and see if I am on the right track.

Sr. Member
Posts: 322

« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2009, 11:44:20 PM »

What size are your originals or have you not resized/cropped them from the camera?

If you want exact 4x6 (bleed on 4x6) crop them in the full page editor.  Set your printer to print to edges.  Do that in the printer setup (the left of the two printer icons at the top of the screen) so QImage knows what you are up to.

<CWO4 (FMF) USN, Ret.>
Posts: 21

Harry Briels

« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2009, 11:10:31 AM »

Fred and Seth,
Thank you for helping me out to solve this print size problem. Although I understand more than before I still have a misunderstanding:
Say my photo shows a size in the View queue of 5,69 x 3,73" and to accomodate this size I put in the print driver a paper size of 7 x 5". In the view page it now tells me that the available paper size is 6,685 x 4,731" which should be ample space to print the photo without any cropping. When I put in Print Properties the 7 x 5" paper size there should be no cropping necessary because the paper to print on is larger than the photo to be printed. But no so. When Auto cropping is on part of the image is being cropped; when "off" I get the complete photo but the print does not fill the complete paper but shows white parts left and right. Why is there auto cropping possible?
I would like to print my photos in such a way that no part is cropped away and that it shows a border of equal sizes around the photo.
Can this be accomplished?
Thanks for your help,
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2009, 11:42:03 AM »

I would like to print my photos in such a way that no part is cropped away and that it shows a border of equal sizes around the photo.

Ok, we arrived at the point where we can see what you want, and try to explain why it is possible only under certain circumstances.
If you examine, from my earlier post showing the yellow rose, you can see the white space which is what you wish to avoid, yet no part of the image cropped.

You must visualize the size of the paper. A 4 x 6 paper is suited for an image that has a 3:2 (or 4 x 6, same thing) length to width ratio.
If you change to use 8 x 10 paper, you can easily understand that 8 x 10 is really a 5:4 ratio of length x width.
Your 3:2 image will not neatly fit that size print. Cropping will be necessary to make your image fit a 5:4 ratio.

In your example, you should set your print size to 4 x 6 (you said you changed Print Properties to 5 x 7) even though you have 5 x 7 paper. crop off, and you will get a non cropped print.
Once you tell Qimage that you want a 5 x 7 print, you are back to where you were with the 4 x 6.
Can you tell me what the resolution of your images are? Then I will know the image size and aspect ratio, and can advise more precisely.
If your print size is 4 x 6, crop off, and you print to 5 x 7 paper, other than trimming the excess around your print, that should give you what you want.

Posts: 21

Harry Briels

« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2009, 03:47:45 PM »

I will study your reply and in the meantime let you have the resolution of some of my photos: 4272 x 2848.
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2009, 04:07:57 PM »

4272 x 2848.
That is 3:2 as we suspected.
So any multiple of 3:2 print size (6:4. 9:6, 12:Cool will fit with no adjustment in size.
Any standard size other than 4 x 6, (5 x 7, 8 x 10, 11 x 14) will need to be cropped a little to fit the frame.
Of course, it's worth mentioning that those sizes are considered common, but by no means are you bound to them.
You can make your print any size and crop or cropless as you like, and make a matte and frame to fit.

The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2009, 06:04:26 PM »

I will study your reply and in the meantime let you have the resolution of some of my photos: 4272 x 2848
I don't know whether this will help or not but have a look at the attachment below.
It's a diagram where the green rectangle is the edge of the 5x7 paper (I've ignored borders for this diagram).
Two situations are shown: The whole of the image is shown in both cases.
1. no cropping and fitting the whole image into the 5x7 paper
2. cropping on so that the 5x7 paper is filled with print.
Hopefully you can see that you either get white strips top & bottom (1) or the edges of the print cropped (2).
This occurs because the aspect ratio of the paper (width : height) is different from the image aspect ratio. See Fred's numbers on his previous post.

In (1) or (2), the only way to fill the paper without cropping would be to stretch the image - Qimage will not do that!  Grin
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 06:06:55 PM by Terry-M » Logged
Posts: 21

Harry Briels

« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2009, 07:36:02 PM »

Thanks for your help!
I still would like to understand why the following seems logical to me, but apparently is incorrect:
When a 3:2 ratio photo shows a size print of 5,59 x 3,73 in the 'view/print queue' and I select in the print driver a paper size of 6 x 4 (which shows a paper size of 5,685 x 3,731 in QI) I tend to expect that since the printing paper size is on both sides larger than the size print, my photo will be printed completely without any cropping. And that therefore even with the cropping tool on there still should be no cropping because there is no need for cropping. The photo should then have on the long side a white strip of 0,315 and on the small side 0,269. However this is not the case!
What mistake am I making?
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #9 on: October 08, 2009, 08:17:37 PM »

When a 3:2 ratio photo shows a size print of 5,59 x 3,73 in the 'view/print queue' and I select in the print driver a paper size of 6 x 4 (which shows a paper size of 5,685 x 3,731 in QI)

I think we are making progress.
Follow this, and you will see what is happening!!
As you point out, the printable area is 5.685 x 3.73.
So Qimage proceeds to fill your request to FIT to Page; assuming you used that method.  Ahhh, it fills out the 3,73 dimension just fine, but cannot go beyond 5.59 unless you give permission to crop a little so Qimage can fill out the long side request.
If you click the crop scissors to on, then Qimage will complete your request.
BTW, the difference between the size print with crop permission and without, is .09 inches. You can easily allow Qimage to crop and it will hardly be noticeable to cover.09 inches of space.

The 4 x 6 print can be made on 4 x 6 paper providing your printer allows borderless printing.

Posts: 21

Harry Briels

« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2009, 07:34:25 AM »

Fred. I very much appreciate your effort helping me. I think I do understand what your are explaining.
I am away thu Monday and will then be back to you!
That same Monday I expect to receive my new Epson 3880 to replace my "all-in Canon", to which I am looking forward. It is going to be an interesting and busy day investing my limited knowledge in setting up this printer and making the combination with Qimage!
Thanks again
Fred A
Forum Superhero
Posts: 5644

WWW Email
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2009, 09:17:09 AM »

setting up this printer and making the combination with Qimage!
We look forward to getting you up and running with Qimage and the printer.
I believe that Brian Price, who is on the forum quite often, has a 3800 too, and can help heavily on that end.
Let us know when you are ready.
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