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Author Topic: Combining Qimage with Light Room and the Epson 3800  (Read 19308 times)
Posts: 21

Harry Briels

« on: October 12, 2009, 07:15:49 AM »

I would like to know what would be the best way to work with LightRoom, Qimage and the Epson 3800 printer. What workflow will work best? I can integrate Qimage in LR and then print using LR and/or Qimage. Or I can export images that are ready for printing to a temp file and print from this file via Qimage. Perhaps there additional ways of using this set up?
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« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2009, 08:12:30 AM »


The way I work is to export from Lightroom as a maximum quality Jpg or a Tif without  image sizing or sharpening , then print in QImage. You can crop in Lightroom  or QImage, but leave the interpolation to QI. I save the file in a sub-folder called 'Prints' along with the original image files, but if you save all print files to a sub-folder along with the QI job files you can back everything up to DVD at one go.

Posts: 21

Harry Briels

« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2009, 09:46:54 AM »

Hallo Brian: What I understand is that in your opinion it is better after post processing in LR not to use the printing capability in LR but to export to a print file and print using QI?
After printing using QI what would be the advantage of saving this print file? What does it mean: "leaving the interpolation to QI"?
Sr. Member
Posts: 322

« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2009, 08:17:26 PM »

Hallo Brian: What I understand is that in your opinion it is better after post processing in LR not to use the printing capability in LR but to export to a print file and print using QI?
After printing using QI what would be the advantage of saving this print file? What does it mean: "leaving the interpolation to QI"?

I think he meant the "file for printing," not a print-to-file thing.  Just saving the file that is going to be printed in a different folder.

As to the interpolation, do not re-size in lightroom.  Only crop to the size/shape you want but do not change the ppi--even if it says something wierd like 286.7.  QI will handle that part.  BETTER than anything else can.

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