Last June I reported that Ilford had launched improved versions of their Smooth Gloss & Pearl papers but had not modified their canned profiles for the new "P11" versions and said the existing ones for the previous "P9" papers could be used. I had my own custom profiles for the older papers but I recently obtained new ones for the new versions. last year I noticed that Ilford had provided new profiles for the new paper versions so I thought I'd give them a try and compare them with my new custom profiles.
One excellent feature of Qimage Ultimate (& Studio) is that it's possible to print images with different printer profiles on the same piece of paper, very useful for comparison purposes.
It's called Custom Colour Management settings on the context menu on the page preview.
See the attached screen shot below, click to enlarge.
I was able to print 2 copies of a test image, one with my custom profile, the default setting for Smooth Gloss, and specify the Ilford profile for the other copy of the image.
This made comparison very easy

The Ilford profile gave good colours but was too dark such that shadow detail is lost. The custom profile was much smoother as shown on the rainbow patches on the test image.
If you were not aware of this Qimage feature, then I hope what I've said is helpful. Also, it was a useful exercise in evaluating a "canned" profile from a paper manufacturer.