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Author Topic: Confused Dye and Pigment in R1900  (Read 18659 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 86

« on: June 01, 2015, 05:49:04 PM »

Hi, Sorry but another question.
After deciding to go for a CISS for the R1900 I have found some that come with Pigment ink and some that come with Dye ink and from my searching many have stated that Dye ink should NOT be used because the R1900 was really made for Pigment ink.
As I have stated in a previous posting I am only wanting as an amateur to print for myself but don't want to muck up what is for me a new printer by useing the wrong option for ink.
I cannot see why the ink companies would give the option on the two kinds of ink if they could not be used in this printer, hence the confused!!!
Thank You
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2015, 08:59:19 AM »

Hi, Sorry but another question.
After deciding to go for a CISS for the R1900 I have found some that come with Pigment ink and some that come with Dye ink and from my searching many have stated that Dye ink should NOT be used because the R1900 was really made for Pigment ink.
As I have stated in a previous posting I am only wanting as an amateur to print for myself but don't want to muck up what is for me a new printer by useing the wrong option for ink.
I cannot see why the ink companies would give the option on the two kinds of ink if they could not be used in this printer, hence the confused!!!
Thank You
Russ I had hoped some one with more ink knowledge than I would pop ,in here, so I did some reading up!

I found one company offering a choice for the R1900... all the rest, 4 others, pigment only.
In the one that offered the choice, Pigment or Dye, they have a red warning that the printer is manufactured for Pigment inks!!

The price differential between the two starter sets of ink was 69.00.

Based on what I read, I would go Pigment.

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Posts: 111

« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2015, 10:25:06 AM »

I see no reason why you couldn't use dye ink, but be sure to flush out any pigment ink in the printhead before connecting the CISS, perhaps with a set of cleaning cartridges or some distilled water in the dampers themselves when you first hook it up.  I've converted a couple of Epson pigment-ink printers (C86/88 and NX400) to refillable carts and use dye ink because the printers are used for everyday printing.  I've had no issues with either.  I still use pigment ink in my R2000, but that one is reserved for my photo printing.

The only other thing you have to take into account is that you'll probably need to make custom printer profiles for the different papers that you use.  If you're not striving for artistic perfection and archival longevity, then the savings in ink cost, not to mention the lessened likelihood of clogged heads, would argue in favor of dye inks.  Some of the newer ones have much better longevity than those available previously.
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