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Author Topic: Confused GSM?  (Read 14448 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 86

« on: January 30, 2016, 06:49:52 PM »

Hi, I have an Epson R1900 and want to print Landscape and Portrait images can someone please advise on a paper ie, Gloss,Satin etc etc that would give good results for both. I bought some A3 paper but only 200GSM and it is to me just thin and no rigidity at all.
So for the R1900 should I be looking at at paper/s in the 280/300 GSM mark?
Please note I do live in Europe so papers like RedRiver are not available to me and the Epson papers are to expensive when you are on a pension Wink
Many Thanks
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« Reply #1 on: January 31, 2016, 08:16:45 AM »

I have a R1900 and use Permajet 271 Oyster and 271 Gloss paper for serious prints https://www.permajet.com/ other outlets sell PermaJet paper slightly cheaper.

For things like Christmas cards, business cards, advertising stuff I use Polaroid Photo Paper 220gsm from local 'Pound' shop at 12 sheets a pound (£)

Jeff (UK)   

The Honourable Metric Mann
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« Reply #2 on: January 31, 2016, 03:15:11 PM »

Hi Russ,
I'm also in the UK, as is Jeff.
I bought some A3 paper but only 200GSM and it is to me just thin and no rigidity at all.
So for the R1900 should I be looking at at paper/s in the 280/300 GSM mark?
I use Ilford Galerie Smooth Pearl for A3 competition prints, that is 310GSM, one of the heaviest papers I know. Even so, I use a 200gsm backing fixed with spray adhesive before mounting the print. I hate to see wavy prints in a mount!
Ilford papers are competitive in price and the thinner versions are cheaper still.
One modestly priced paper I use is Epson Archival Matte, 190gsm. A very nice matte paper which I have used for competition, again with a backing to stiffen it. It has the advantage there are Epson printer profiles available for it.
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