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Author Topic: Ilford Profiles...?  (Read 23755 times)
Full Member
Posts: 163

« on: August 07, 2011, 05:48:39 PM »

Recently got the Epson R3000.
One of the papers I use is Ilford smooth pearl.
I've downloaded the profile for this paper,re- calibrated my monitor with the color Munki,and,
Every time I make a print,it comes out about 1/2 stop to 1 stop darker,this is odd,usely,the prints come out with a 95% match.
 I've checked & re-checked  my ink settings,and all other settings,and all seems well.
Is it possible ,the paper profile is off?
I've resorted to "let printer manage color"

Any suggestions would be appreciated;

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2011, 01:31:58 PM »

I've resorted to "let printer manage color"

Hi Mike,
How does it print using Let printer manage color, with the driver set to ICM?

If that looks good, then it is likely the profile settings i.e paper choice, quality setting wasn't set right.
Ilford used to have a pdf file that was a bit confusing as to selecting paper type from an Epson printer driver selection.
They had a code, and you had to select the pertinent letter from the code that indicated the paper choice from their list in that PDF file.
It was confusing to say the least.
Have another look at that.
I managed to find it and I attached it

Full Member
Posts: 163

« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2011, 06:53:16 PM »

Thanks for your reply & Link.
In the printer driver ,I first used the Ilford profile...came out dark,but usable.
Double checked my setting,and used the info sheet that came with the paper,which said use .. premium glossy.
I then set it to Epson standard srgb,,came out much better.
I will make another test print using the icm setting...as you suggest...,and get back to you.

  Shouldn't the profile made for my R3000/smooth pearl paper, produce a better print??


Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2011, 06:58:17 PM »

If your settings and paper selection are correct.
I just downloaded the profile for Ilford Smooth Pearl.
The instructions say, use Epson Prem Glossy as you said, then NO COLOR ADJUSTMENT in the driver.
So the driver is set as above, and Qimage or other is set to use downloaded profile, n_IGSPP11_EPR3000_EPGn.icc
It should come out pretty good.
Is the print good, but just darker than your monitor?
Your monitor might be too bright even though it's color profiled. I am not familiar with the Munki.
Maybe Terry or Brian can tackle that part.

« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 07:34:33 PM by Fred A » Logged
Full Member
Posts: 163

« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2011, 07:33:01 PM »

Using the ,,"ICM" setting in the epson driver,yielded,prints slightly better...seems sharper /smoother/more fine detail,,, than "Epson standard{srgb}" setting..

Fred,What do you suggest?
Should I try using ..Luster/semi-gloss settings in the driver???..will it make that much of a difference?
.I just ordered 2-100 sht boxes of the Ilford paper,a few weeks ago,and although it's used for everyday prints{friends/family snaps/parties},,I'd still would like to use it.

When I use the Canson Platine paper,with Canson profile,..prints come out beautifully.

Any further suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks Again,
Fred A
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Posts: 5644

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« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2011, 09:35:19 AM »

Should I try using ..Luster/semi-gloss settings in the driver???..will it make that much of a difference?

Of course you can try it. It might surprise you, but the suggested paper type is Epson Premium Glossy. That means the profile was created from a target print made using that selection.

Double checked my setting,and used the info sheet that came with the paper,which said use .. premium glossy.
I then set it to Epson standard srgb,,came out much better.

This is confusing me.
Can you clarify?
You used the info sheet, selected the EPPG paper, and then set *it* to sRGB; set what to sRGB?  The profile in Qimage, the driver to sRGB instead of No Color Adjustment?

Next item:
When I went to download the profile, there were three for Smooth Pearl (sort of).   They had Smooth Pearl Plus, Photo Pearl, and a third, Smooth Pearl.
Are you sure you chose the correct one.?

If you set Qimage to let printer manage color, and follow and stick to the settings recommended, Driver to ICM, Printer profile in Qimage set to the preselected \prgb.icm, do you get a normal print or a dark print?
If we get an answer to that, we can proceed.

Full Member
Posts: 163

« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2011, 09:48:02 PM »


After I tried to use the Ilford profile,and it came out too dark,I then tried using the "let printer manage color"in Qimage
IN the epson driver ,I tried 2 settings
1. Epson srgb
2. ICM.
The ICM setting came out the best{Epson driver}...IN Qimage.."let printer handle" color.

The tech sheet I was referring to,is what came in the box of Ilford smooth Pearl paper..again it says..premium glossy.
But,if you go to the Ilford website,it says..semi-gloss.
There were 2 profiles for this paper
1.IGSPP9...this profile has a semi-gloss media setting
2.IGSPP11_epr3000..this profile has a premium glossy media setting...this gives me prints that are darker than my monitor.

I've e-mailed Ilford concerning this profile,and am waiting for a response.


« Last Edit: August 09, 2011, 09:50:41 PM by mike397x » Logged
The Honourable Metric Mann
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Posts: 3251

« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2011, 07:52:25 AM »

Hi Mike,
The tech sheet I was referring to,is what came in the box of Ilford smooth Pearl paper..again it says..premium glossy.
But,if you go to the Ilford website,it says..semi-gloss.
There were 2 profiles for this paper
1.IGSPP9...this profile has a semi-gloss media setting
2.IGSPP11_epr3000..this profile has a premium glossy media setting...this gives me prints that are darker than my monitor.
The profiles above are for 2 different papers.
P9 is the older version of the Smooth papers and P11 is the latest which was introduced last year. P11 is supposed to be an improved paper.
The boxes have a different photo on them: P9 a girls face behind a blurred mask; P11 a girls face in a definite frame.
The other thing to watch is, from what Fred has told me, US versions of these papers are different from European versions. The ones I use (UK) are 290gsm; the US versions are thinner.
The old P9 did recommend using the Premium Semi Gloss paper setting but now with P11, it is Premium Gloss.
On the back of a box of Smooth Pearl I have in front of me the paper reference number is IGSPP11EU.
I now use custom profiles for these papers (Epson R800) but the Ilford P11 profiles gave good results as far as I can remember.

I used to get dark prints with these papers(P9)  but with new custom profiles, using QU for raw with a camera profile (I made my own) and a monitor calibrated to give a luminance value of 120cd/squM, I get a very good match. Prior to that I would use a Print Filter  with a consistent small Fill value to compensate for dark prints.
It's probably worth checking you monitor calibration - do you use there "advanced" method that allows you to set a luminance (= brightness) value? A common reason for dark prints is a monitor set too bright.
Hope that is of some help.

« Last Edit: August 10, 2011, 08:14:51 AM by Terry-M » Logged
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #8 on: August 10, 2011, 08:25:19 AM »

I said:
but the Ilford P11 profiles gave good results as far as I can remember.
I have now found the test prints that I used to compare the Ilford profiles with a custom profiles for P11 papers.
The Ilford profile does give a slightly darker print shown by a little loss of detail in shadow areas. The differences are quite subtle.
Full Member
Posts: 163

« Reply #9 on: August 10, 2011, 12:32:17 PM »

Thanks again for your replies..,

On my box it says."IIGSPP1USA"  ,it also says.."290GSM"  ,so it looks like the weight is the same....Huh?

I usually calibrate my monitor,once a month ,using the" Advanced" settings,and set the luminanace value at 120cd.

When I get a response from Ilford,  I'll post back.

As of now though,and until I have a profile made ,I'll just use the "let printer control color" settings..this is giving me the closest print, to what I see on my monitor.

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