Sure! It is a RAW or a JPG?
Assuming it's a raw image we would need to have the image for 5 minutes,,,, like we did with Tony Gamble a week or so ago.
Also not knowing what size file, I cannot be sure it will email.
In either event, my email address is
wathree.ssz@verizon.netIf the file is too big to email, then use WETRANSFER . It will allow 2 gigs at no charge. first time you might have to fill out something, can't remember, been so long.
I have to take 3 women to lunch very shortly....
Believe me! I will be back as soon as I can...!!!
Let me put it this way. They have Handicapped parking permits for their Brooms.
So if I don't respond immediately, will be home by my 2:00 PM EST.
PS You can send to Terry too at the same time.
In case he is more available.