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Author Topic: Profiling from scratch  (Read 15740 times)
Posts: 38

« on: August 12, 2012, 01:59:52 AM »

Hi Folks, Hope somebody can help me.
I have a few different papers, sample packs, rolls, etc.

I know how to use my XRite software BUT what settings do I use in the Epson driver?

Assuming NO profiles can be found on the net, how do I start to profile?

Do I take a good profiling photo/image and print half a dozen copies using different paper settings as listed in the Epson driver?
How do I check how much ink is right for the paper?

Sorry so vague but hope somebody experienced can help and tell me how they do it.

Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: August 12, 2012, 09:17:23 AM »

I know how to use my XRite software BUT what settings do I use in the Epson driver?

Hi Paul,
I too enjoy making my own profiles. I don't know the workings of the X rite system; I use Profile Prism, but 99% of all the profiles I make, plus the ones that come from Epson or Ilford or Canon call for you to set the driver to NO COLOR MANAGEMENT.
In an Epson, there's check box for OFF.
See screen snaps.
I am showing the "look" of two typical drivers, an Epson R1800, and an Epson 7900 (wide carriage).
Both call for Color Management OFF

Next item is paper selection.
Try to match the type of paper to Epson's choices...i.e. Glossy to Premium Glossy, Semi gloss to either Prem. Luster or Epson semi gloss,   Matte to Matte....
Set output quality to BEST PHOTO or RPM
That paper selection will control the ink flow (don't over think the driver. Leave the rest in normal condition)

The most important thing to remember is that whatever settings you use... paper type, speed, DPI output, the same settings used when making the profile should be used when printing with the profile.

If you are using Qimage, remember to save the printer setup (SAVE, "P" button, NAME YOUR Setup, SAVE)
This will insure that recalling that set up will cause the correct settings to automatically be set for you.

Does X rite require printing a target? If so, be sure to use the preset TARGET PRINTING JOB in Qimage.

Hope some of this helps.

Posts: 38

« Reply #2 on: August 12, 2012, 11:42:52 AM »

Thanks a ton. I'll work my way through your suggestions.
I am dying to try the papers I have but did not know where to start.

Thanks for your help.
Have a great day.
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