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Author Topic: Advice Please on Epson R1900  (Read 9942 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 766

WWW Email
« on: December 16, 2010, 08:26:41 AM »

Hello All

As regulars here will probably know I use print to file and Lab Printers.

However, now having trouble with preferred lab dumming down, quality is still ok, but uploading images takes hours and I mean hours.

I am considering getting a R1900 but am a little concerned about the cost of prints.  I have read a comprehensive review and there was a section on ink consumption showing the amount of ink consumed when changing a single tank, there was a lot of ink lost on all tanks, the comment being that if you changed a single tank any others that were getting low almost immediately became a candidate for changing, and so it went on loosing ink at each change.  There was an illustration of tank level after these printing and changing tanks and it looked very frightening.  At the moment I cannot find the review to have another look - thought I had booked marked it but as Fred knows I have Dementia setting in Smiley 

I have looked at external tank systems as supplied by Fotospeed and Permajet where ink is bought at much larger 125ml volumes and wonder if this is an option.  I don't know if the systems supplied by these firms are any good except to sell their paper!
I don't want to buy the printer and then be afraid to use it because of the cost of ink.

Has the British members here got any figures - say cost of printing say an A3.



Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2010, 01:35:10 PM »

Hi Jeff,

I have an r1800, bought it new a few years back with a cis from fotospeed. I've not used it for more than a year. I can recommend fotospeed, they are very helpful. The r1800/1900's have finer jets cf most other epson printers, and I found I was getting clogs with epson pigment inks, not using the printer frequently. With a cis system you can run dye based inks, which do not clog, and dyes are cheaper. It depends on the destination of the print, etc., as to whether you want dye or pigment.

With a cis system, you save loads of money, but you pay it out in bigger lumps. the initial cis and inks will be more expensive than the printer. For example, you can buy ultrachrome equivalent ink at £76.00 per litre, but to get started you need to buy 8 of 'em. The pigment ink, has a recommended shelf life of about a year, so you need to buy it in the correct sort of quantities for your printing volume.

What quantity, and how frequently will you be printing?

Best wishes,

Hero Member
Posts: 766

WWW Email
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2010, 08:39:33 AM »

Hi Jeff,

What quantity, and how frequently will you be printing?

Best wishes,


Thanks for comments.

Even a rough quantity is difficult to estimate.

At present I prepare about £10 worth of images at a time for lab printing - economies of postage cost.

I will have to give matter some more detailed thought.


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