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Author Topic: Can't get to print - Custom size, divided in equal parts, manually set margins  (Read 16292 times)
Posts: 4

« on: August 22, 2010, 07:00:22 AM »

I'd like to be able to print on 8.5x11 paper, an 8x10 with .2 l margin, .3 r margin and .5 on both top and bottom.  It would be an original image of 8x10 but printed as a poster as 16x20.  I can't get it to print anything but a huge image on the first two pages, and the remainder on the next two.

Help?  (The main reason for needing it equally sized and with those margins is that the printer doesn't do a very good job printing near the edges, and the poster ends up with different colors that don't blend when put together)
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #1 on: August 22, 2010, 08:22:44 AM »

As a poster, you should be able to get a 16x20 as 2 sections of a poster, each 8x10. It does depend on the printable area of the page without any extra page margins set, is that greater than 8x10?
Assuming it is, you need to edit the page margins in Qimage (which version btw?) from the Page Formatting menu to get a printable area of exactly 8x10 and achieve your other margin restraints.
If the printable area has to less than 8x10, you will need to make a 2x2 poster, each of 4x5, and again adjust margins to get 4x5 as a printable area.
By making the printable area exactly the size of the poster section, you ensure equal sections.
Next, specify a 10x16 print size with the crop scissors on; Qimage will automatically ask if you want to spread over more pages, say yes.
I think that should do it.
BTW. don't forget we've been talking about PAGE margins here, not image borders, they should be left at zero unless you do want a border around the whole assembled poster, use B not B+ ulless you make allowances for the larger overall size.
Come back with more questions if necessary but tell us your printer model and Qimage version.
Posts: 4

« Reply #2 on: August 22, 2010, 04:34:39 PM »

Thanks for the quick reply.  What you're saying makes sense.  Essentially that's what I did. I separated the file into 4 posters, specified the margins (including off-center left/right) then printed.  The print ended up all the way to the edges on two pages, despite my saying it should have only been 8x10 on 8-1/2x11 paper.

I'm using v2010.107 on a Xerox Phaser 6180.  Wondering if it's a bug, although I usually tend toward user error as a cause.  Spent 2 days trying to figure it out.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: August 22, 2010, 07:04:34 PM »

I'm using v2010.107 on a Xerox Phaser 6180
It may be a driver problem, the printer is not one I know of - it laser?
Have you printed with Qimage and that printer before, has it been ok.?
Tell us what Qimage is reporting as printable area - above the preview, what does it look like in the Preview and the full page editor?
What is the print size reported in the queue list?
One little tip, and may or may not be relevant: you may need the make the printable are a tiny fraction bigger, ie. smaller page margins, (say 0.01 ins) than the print size of the 4x5 poster section. That will make sure it does make 4 sections.
Post some screen snaps of the page margin window and the RHS of the Qimage screen, that will help us to see what you have set and we may spot an error.
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #4 on: August 22, 2010, 08:29:40 PM »

I've realised that I said a printable area of 4x5 instead of 8x10 in my first post.
I've just tried to simulate your problem and get a 4 section poster ok but the right hand sections have a narrower width than the left hand so the quadrants are not equal.
I have done this in the past but can't quite remember what I did - I may have "fiddled" it by making a custom paper size to suit, smaller than the real size and tested with just some ordinary paper.
Posts: 4

« Reply #5 on: August 22, 2010, 08:52:56 PM »

Thanks.  That did cross my mind, tried it, but the printer printed it as Qimage sent, not as margins specified (might be one of those printer issues -- it's done that to other apps too)  I was able to get Qimage to split the image into pieces and spit it back out as a jpeg by using print to file.  Works for one poster, but not for a string of orders.  Also, once divided into 8x10 pieces, Qimage refuses to recognize the size as an 8x10 and keeps changing the size in the software, about 1/4 of the original.  I could do an auto-formatting run through photoshop, but it would take FOREVER and my printer wouldn't like the huge drain on internal memory.

Part of me says that I just haven't found the right combination, but it sure seems like I've tried everything I could concoct.
Sr. Member
Posts: 440

« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2010, 01:30:47 AM »

Hi luvdata,

according to the xerox spec, you need to use the pcl driver for poster printing. Is that what you are using? There may be an updated driver available on the xerox site, or elsewhere. Even so, it could well be that the printable area is not central to the page, i.e. top margin different to bottom, and left different to the right, so it may be tricky getting the images positioned as you wish.

Best wishes,

Posts: 4

« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2010, 01:45:16 PM »

Thanks Ray,

I wasn't using the PCL, but I'll try installing that to see what it does.  I was able to devise a workaround, using a print to file followed by using the XP printer driver off of an older computer.  Qimage is an incredible piece of software -- I'm pretty sure I'll end up buying it.  (And, it has an active user community - thanks for your help)

After a weekend of fiddling with settings, I'm beginning to reach the conclusion it's more an issue of a buggy printer driver than anything else.  Even the edge of document colors print fine when bypassing the printer color correction.
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