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Author Topic: Canon ix6550 and Kodak Satin Paper  (Read 15302 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 86

« on: May 25, 2015, 09:01:49 AM »

Hi, After my Epson 1400 gave up on printing, the Cyan (everything else works fine) I wanted an affordable (On a pension) A3 printer so I bought a Canon ix6550 and I have some A4 Kodak Premium Picture Paper SATIN, A4 Ilford pearl and of course loads of A3 and A4 Epson premium Glossy, can anyone please say what setting I should use with the Qimage software as the papers are not Canon branded? I have searched for an icc profile without success so am thinking because it is not a pro printer they do not exist.
I only print for my own pleasure in house so to speak.
Many Thanks
Fred A
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« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2015, 09:37:41 AM »

can anyone please say what setting I should use with the Qimage software as the papers are not Canon branded? I have searched for an icc profile without success so am thinking because it is not a pro printer they do not exist.
I only print for my own pleasure in house so to speak.
Many Thanks

Hi Russ,
I searched and found the printer and installed the driver so I could have a peek.
Looks like a standard Canon driver with the settings as expected.
No profiles that I could find either.

So not to worry as you will get great prints using the LET PRINTER MANAGE COLOR setting in Qimage.
That sets a pretty wide color printer profile to make any printer happy. See screen snaps.

In the printer driver, we set the color management to ICM.  See screen snaps.

Click the blue ball next to Prt ICC on the main screen (lower right) to get to the button you need to get LET PRINTER MANAGE COLOR

I only print for my own pleasure in house so to speak.

Me too.

Jr. Member
Posts: 86

« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2015, 12:41:53 PM »

Hi, Thank you for the advice.
I did find an icc profile for the Ilford paper but it was for 280g and I have 240g don't no if that would make a lot of differance?
Thanks again
The Honourable Metric Mann
Forum Superhero
Posts: 3251

« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2015, 06:37:14 AM »

Hi Russ,
I did find an icc profile for the Ilford paper but it was for 280g and I have 240g don't no if that would make a lot of differance?
Yes it does. The thickness of the paper is not relevant to the icc profile which related to the paper manufacturer, paper type & its coating as well as the printer and inks used.
Stick with Fred's suggestion of using LET PRINTER MANAGE COLOR setting in Qimage.
Jr. Member
Posts: 86

« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2015, 06:54:58 AM »

Hi Russ,
I did find an icc profile for the Ilford paper but it was for 280g and I have 240g don't no if that would make a lot of differance?
Yes it does. The thickness of the paper is not relevant to the icc profile which related to the paper manufacturer, paper type & its coating as well as the printer and inks used.
Stick with Fred's suggestion of using LET PRINTER MANAGE COLOR setting in Qimage.
Thank You.
Jr. Member
Posts: 86

« Reply #5 on: May 30, 2015, 01:09:30 PM »

Hi, cannot beleive it but the person I thought I had purchased a Canon 6550 has come up with an excuse that it has got lost in transit and has refunded my money in full but I think they under estimated the transit costs to Greece, maybe wrong! but at least I got the money back. Anyway I have now I hope purchased a new Epson R1900 and I beleive someone here uses that model? on reading about the R1900 it seems to use a lot of ink from small carts so I am thinking CISS but again as an amateur on a pension with the need to wear glasses I do not want to spend £100+ on a CISS but then I don't want to sell the printer short by using bad ink and CISS. I tried once before re-filling carts but made such a mess gave it up.
Any suggestions please on a CISS remembering I live in Europe although purchases from the USA are not out of the question when it comes to an empty CISS.
Many thanks for the previous replies on the paper but now I start again.
Many Thanks
Forum Superhero
Posts: 4283

« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2015, 02:15:01 PM »

I have this setup.  I'm running an R1900 with InkjetFly CIS.  Although care is needed to load the ink properly the first time and set the tanks at the proper height, from that point forward, you just dump ink in the tanks when needed and tilt the tanks once to reset the pressure.  I love the setup and I haven't had any messes in about a year of using it.  That's the upside.

The downside is that this system (inks) seems to be very prone to clogging.  I find that if you don't print every day, you'll end up with clogs, particularly in magenta and yellow.  Maybe the viscosity of those inks is not quite in spec with Epson.  Anyway, the unclog scheduler takes care of that and the CIS really is a cheap alternative.  I've had no problems with color as the inks are very close in gamut to the Epson inks.  I have no idea if other CIS setups from different companies may clog less than the InkjetFly inks: the reviews are all mixed bags so it's hard to tell.

My short take on at least this particular system is, it is for the "tinkerer" and not for the faint of heart as it takes some careful setup.  I only have experience with this one CIS system but I get the idea that if you go that route, just be prepared for a little more maintenance as you'll probably get more clogs than with Epson carts.  But with the right unclog scheduling, you can pretty much eliminate the clog issue.

Jr. Member
Posts: 86

« Reply #7 on: May 30, 2015, 02:41:34 PM »

Hi, Firstly many thanks for such a quick reply.
The system I have been looking at is not far of as the price goes USA to UK and the company seem to have a good following on there inks.
Not so easy to find systems and Dye inks sold together now all seem to push the Pigment ink (more expensive!!)
One last question, Do you use Dye ink or Pigment Ink? OK found the article on this.
Downloaded your profiles also thanks.
Thanks again
« Last Edit: May 31, 2015, 07:35:11 AM by russellsnr » Logged
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