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Author Topic: Changing ink tanks causes color profile to change too much?  (Read 13536 times)
Full Member
Posts: 224

« on: July 22, 2013, 05:22:13 PM »

Canon 9000 II.  Changed inks a lot yesterday during a big print run for competition:  The two cyans (PC & C), both magentas (PM & M), and one yellow.  Black too.  Been printing a lot.  Same paper (Canon Photo Glossy II, with a few Inkpress papers tossed into the mix too.).

Today the prints have whole new cast even though inks were bought at the same time and same refill lot (OCP inks).  What was chocolate brown yesterday and the day before is now a bluish red this AM.

Anyone notice their printer's colors shift a lot with a ink change-out?  Maybe one tank at a time, but 5 tanks and it's really bad.  It would have gotten there sooner or later, just I didn't expect that big of shift so soon.
Seems the ink flow may have changed with the ink carts themselves, if that is at all possible.  The first print took about 2 inches before it smoothed out on color like the head was starved during the ink change-out.  New head installed too a week prior ($130 for that piece and no better than the old one that I flushed out too.  Still get an occasional print line in a specific color (usually dark browns).  Angry  )

I can re-profile the printer, inks, and paper with the i1 Photo Pro 2, but it's a chore if I do the (OBC?) thing for the UV optical brighteners too as it takes 5 sheets, and reading 2,300 squares to complete that test and measurement series so an hour or two at least with drying.

Posts: 16

« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2013, 01:17:43 PM »

Well, having always used Canon inks in my Pro 9000 I was reluctant to change but as friends were having good results with an alternative brand I decided to give them a try. The prints came out fine except that the colours were totally wrong. The seller sent me a spare set - same result. Back to Canon and colours OK again. As I don't do sufficient large prints for the cost difference to matter I'll just stick to the original.
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